Part 84: Galar gym number 8

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After winning my 7th Galar badge at the Spikemuth gym, Lillie and I started to head back to Hammerlocke when we met up with Leon. Suddenly we heard an explosion which Leon didn't know what it was. He then wished me luck with my final gym since the gym leader was a long time rival of his, Raihan and went to see if he could figure out what the explosion was. Lillie and I then started to make our way to Hammerlocke but along the way, we went through a tunnel that had a lot of people so we had to go through them which wasn't easy but when we got through, we saw Hop who told us that Leon was in Hammerlocke and when we arrived there, we saw Leon with Sonia and Professor Magnolia who was wondering about Sonia's darkest day research since Chairman Rose asked about it so Sonia told her about what she had discovered. The professor and Sonia then left and Leon wished us luck before leaving as well. Since it was starting to get dark, Lillie and I went to the pokemon center and we had dinner before going to bed for the night. The next morning, I had just woken up when I heard Lillie crying, so I asked her what was wrong. Then Lillie said, "I  had a nightmare about my abusive ex boyfriend, Paul." "Oh no, I didn't know about that." I replied, worried about how Lillie was doing. With her tears falling harder down her face, she continued and said, "He was always making me feel like I was worthless. He would hit me, make me think that his mistakes were my fault, yell at me just for minding my own business, rape me, pretend that he was the victim when I tried to say something about how he was treating me and when I finally broke up with him, he actually tried to kill me." Hearing how horribly Paul treated Lillie, I started to cry as well and said, "I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. While you're the first girlfriend I've ever had, I've always known that the whole point of a relationship was to make each other happy and I wouldn't dream of doing anything else. The way Paul treated you completely violates the whole purpose of a relationship and I promise I won't ever treat you or anyone else that way." In response, Lillie hugged me and said, "I broke up with Paul about 3 years ago and it took me about 18 months to mentally recover from the pain that Paul caused me for about 9 months, because for about 3 months, I thought he was a really nice guy. Not as nice as you, but still really nice. He then started to reveal his true personality when I saw him abuse his pokemon and when he lost a battle with his chimchar, he pretended to be sorry that he couldn't be his trainer anymore. When I called him out for it, that's when he started to beat me, then later everything else started as well. Eventually I broke up with him and for about a month, my mother and Gladion became extremely protective of me and if any guys tried to become friends with me, even when their intentions were genuine, they had to go to extreme lengths to prove to them that they could be trusted. Eventually they became more accepting of people becoming friends with me which explains why they were accepting of you becoming my boyfriend, because they could see that you are a genuinely friendly person who they could trust. Also, not long after getting over Paul, I actually started dating Hau for about a year and while he was much better to me, we eventually broke up because we figured that we were better off as just friends. Even before we started dating, I knew that you were nothing like Paul and I would be safe with you around." Lillie then kissed me on the lips and I then hugged her for another few minutes before we got up and had breakfast. We then headed off to the gym so I could battle for my final Galar badge. When we got there, Lillie went off to be in the audience while I changed into my uniform. For my gym mission, I had to battle 3 trainers in a double battle each. The first battle was rain based with a pelipper and a goodra which I used Aqua and Sparky against, the second battle was sun based with a turtonator and a ninetales which I used Horsepower and Jubilee against and the third battle was hail based with an abomasnow and a hakamo'o which I used Asher and Jubilee against. I then went to the battlefield to challenge Raihan. We then got into our positions and I sent out Aqua and Horsepower while Raihan sent out gigalith whose mere presence summoned a sandstorm  and flygon. Unfortunately for Raihan, Aqua used ice beam to take out flygon out it one hit and Horsepower did huge damage to gigalith before not taking much damage after taking a rock blast that hit 5 times making him very tough thanks to his stamina ability. Raihan then sent out sandaconda who fell to one snipe shot from Aqua while Horsepower took out gigalith with a very powerful body press attack. He then sent out duraludon who Raihan gigantamaxed and easily took an ice beam attack before taking Aqua out with G-max depletion. I then sent out Asher before telling Horsepower to use body press to finally beat duraludon. Raihan then came over and shook my hand before giving me the dragon badge and telling me that I could now go to Wyndon to compete in the champion cup. After leaving the gym, I met up with Lillie who hugged me for about a minute during which she kissed me on the cheek, then we went to the pokemon center for lunch and to rest my pokemon. We then decided to explore around Hammerlocke for the rest of the day and when it started getting late, we went back to the pokemon center for dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast then started to make our way to Wyndon for the champion cup.

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