Part 39: Sinnoh gym number 7

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Just as Dawn and I were about to leave Canalave City after winning my 6th Sinnoh badge, we suddenly heard a loud explosion. Suddenly Professor Rowan came out of the library and said that he knew what happened and told us to follow him into the library where he showed us on tv that it was Team Galactic. We were then told that Lake Valor, Lake Verity and Lake Acuity were being attacked and that the bomb came from Lake Valor, so we decided to go to Lake Valor first to investigate. It took a little while to get there, but when we did, we battled the Team Galactic members before coming up to Galactic Commander Saturn who had stolen azelf Saturn and I then battled each other and I won pretty easily. After defeating Saturn, Dawn headed to Lake Verity we battled more members of Team Galactic and Galactic Commander Mars who had stolen mesprit. After defeating Mars, we wondered how we were going to get to Snowpoint City, but Professor Rowan suggested that we go via Celestic Town, so we took the long walk back to Celestic Town where we stopped at the pokemon center for a rest and some lunch, then we went through a cave in Mt. Coronet where I caught a feebas which I was unsure what nickname to give her, so I decided to wait until I came up with something. Eventually we came out of the cave to a route covered in snow, but thankfully Dawn had snow clothes for both of us because she knew that we would eventually be going to Snowpoint City. We battled several trainers and we eventually found a little house to rest in. I was feeling sleepy so I had a nap and when I woke up, Dawn revealed that she had made some poffins from the berries that she had picked over the course of our journey. I decided to give some of the poffins to my newly caught feebas then we continued to make our way towards Snowpoint City, battling some trainers along the way during which my feebas evolved into milotic and I came up with the nickname Serpentina for her. Eventually we arrived in Snowpoint City and stopped at the pokemon center to rest ourselves and my pokemon and warm up before going to the gym where I battled the trainers inside mostly using Serpentina before coming up to the gym leader Candice and said, "Hi, my name is Jason and I challenge you to a gym battle." "Sure thing Jason, I accept your challenge." She replied. We then got into our positions and I sent out Scorchimp while Candice sent out abomasnow whose mere presence summoned a hailstorm. "Abomasnow, use ice shard." Said Candice. Abomasnow shot little bits of ice at Scorchimp but it hardly did much of anything. Then I said,  "Scorchimp, use flamethrower." Scorchimp's flamethrower attack engulfed abomasnow in flames doing huge damage taking it out in one hit. "Abomasnow is unable to battle, infernape wins." Said the referee. After calling abomasnow back to it's pokeball, Candice sent out sneasel. "Sneasel, use aerial ace." Sneasel hit Scorchimp hard doing big damage but he held on quite comfortably. "Scorchimp, use close combat." I called out. Scorchimp thrashed sneasel super hard knocking it out in one hit as well. "Sneasel is unable to battle, infernape wins again." Said the referee. Candice then called sneasel back to it's pokeball and sent out froslass. Then I said, "Scorchimp, use flamethrower." Scorchimp's flamethrower attack hit froslass hard but she just barely held on. "Froslass, use shadow ball." Froslass shot a ball of energy which hit Scorchimp very hard and took him out. "Infernape is unable to battle, froslass wins." After calling Scorchimp back to his pokeball and thanking him for battling so well, I sent out Serpentina. "Froslass, use shadow ball again." Said Candice. Froslass shot another shadow ball attack doing modest damage to Serpentina but she took the attack quite easily. "Serpentina, use surf." I called out. Serpentina caused a big wave to come over froslass knocking her out. "Froslass is unable to battle, milotic wins." Said the referee. After calling froslass back to her pokeball, Candice sent out her final pokemon piloswine. "Piloswine, use ice shard." She said. Piloswine shot bits of ice at Serpentina, doing not much damage at all. Then I said, "Serpentina, use surf again." Serpentina's surf attack washed right over piloswine doing huge damage taking it out in one attack. "Piloswine is unable to battle, milotic wins, so victory to Jason." Announced the referee. Super excited about Serpentina's amazing win, I ran over and hugged her before calling her back to her pokeball, then went over to Dawn and hugged her as well. "You probably just had one of your best gym battles ever Jason." She said, hugging me back. Then I went over to Candice who said, "Congratulations Jason, as proof of your victory at the Snowpoint City gym, I award you the icicle badge. I then took my icicle badge and then Candice said, "For your last gym battle, you need to go to Sunyshore city." After we left the gym we saw that it was getting late so we went to the pokemon center for dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast and started to get ready to head out to Sunyshore city.

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