Chapter Fifty-One

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"Lucas. Explain everything to me." My Lilly says with all the seriousness she can muster. She stands a foot away from me and in maintaining her distance, she effectively communicated to me her resolve.

"These visions I am seeing. You know what they are. Tell me." She softly adds. Her eyes are starting to moist, hinting the formation of tears. My heart shakes at the vision.

At this moment, what more can I do?

Lilly stood still, maintaining a distance from me. She is demanding that I tell her. She is demanding that I explain everything to her.

But my love, there are things you need to do for yourself.

"Are you certain?" I gently ask her. Wanting her to be sure of this decision. I deeply look into her eyes, hoping that my eyes will tell her what my heart feels.

"Yes." She gives me a firm answer. I sigh and take a step forward to her until I grab her hand. This time, she didn't avoid me.

"Lilly, I can't-" I start to reject her but I suddenly feel her hands tightly forming into a fist. I sigh.

"Then, instead, would you like to listen to a story for a bit?" I softly ask her as I tenderly hold her hands, attempting to massage to relax her fists. Lilly looks surprised at my question before she slowly and decisively nods her head.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply. Sensing my power, I gather it around the area of the lake to create a barrier. Now, no one can see, hear or sense us. I take Lilly to sit beside the lake and smile at how the beauty of the lake is accentuated by my mate's loveliness.

"There was a man who was the proudest creature. Power, strength, wealth. He has everything. Everything, except for one." I start my story. Lilly quietly watches at me, Her earnest expression says that she wants to hear every single word that I will say.

"That thing that he lacked, it was neither riches nor power. It is something that he cannot obtain, no matter what he did. He couldn't just get it. And because of that, he felt that his life was meaningless." I explain to her.

"What is the thing that he was lacking? He cannot feel anything. Not physically, because he can feel the cuts and the wounds. The heat and the cold." I pause and give Lilly's hand a gentle squeeze.

"He cannot feel anything in his chest. He cannot be happy, he cannot be sad. He cannot be worried... he doesn't have empathy." I continue as I play with Lilly's fingers. The softness of her skin doesn't fail to calm me down, even when I am facing my greatness demon.

"Then, he met this woman. She was... really the most beautiful. His heart.. pounded for the first time."

"He followed her and decided to serve her. He dedicated his everything to her. He was the most powerful.. but gave out his power, his fire, to obtain the power of shifting. A restraint was put over his fire. He couldn't use it any longer, but he gladly did it to be with her forever." Lilly grasps my hand tighter and I give her a small smile before continuing.

"He became very happy. His heart was finally satisfied." I tell her as I lift her hand to give it a small kiss, wanting to make her feel the love that I feel for her.

"But who thought trouble would come so suddenly? Strong enemies arrived. They couldn't fight them head on and it was too late when he realized. He couldn't protect what she loves because he already lost his powers."

"He regretted it but at the same time didn't. Because... all that he really wanted was to be with her." I continue as I feel Lilly's hand tremble. I look up and see waves of emotions on her beautiful green eyes.

"She, on the other hand, thought otherwise."

"Filled with determination, she used her own self as sacrifice. Lifting the chain, restraining his powers, and thereafter putting it over herself.

Then... she left him. With no goodbyes. No explanation." I hear Lilly softly gasps.

"The only thing that she left him was a mission. A mission to save everyone that she loves."

"But, what about him?" I inquire and see Lilly's lips tremble.

"He was broken. He was shattered. Leaving him, he can somehow understand. But why did she leave without any word?" I feel my own heart quiver with pain.

I longed for you.

I deeply longed for you.

My soul was shattered, my heart was crushed.

I saw your wind slowly extinguished and I saw your soul softly disappear.

Life flows on my body and power surges into my blood.

I can save everyone, but I can't save the one I love.

I closed my eyes to hide the pain which started to show on my eyes. With much difficulty, I manage to push down the wave of emotions rushing from my heart.

I was once emotionless, not knowing love, not knowing hate.

It was you who gave me these feelings, that's why, even this pain I treasure.

"Tell me, Lilly. Why would she do that?" I finish my narration. Lilly looks bewildered. Her beautiful eyes are shining with tears. I must have disturbed her heart. I quickly hold her face and wipe away her tears.

I do not blame you, I do not want to hurt you. I never wanted to give your heart even a slight trouble. But this, it's necessary. It's all I can do to help you.

"I-I" My mate stutters and I grip her hands reassuringly.

"When you know the reason, then you are ready to learn everything. I cannot tell you everything right now because you need to realize it yourself." I softly tell her. "Don't worry, you will remember it soon. It'll be okay." I added

Lilly, on the other, shook her head violently.

"No! You must tell me. I must know!" I heard her insist as tears flow down her face.

My heart shook at the vision. Lilly then grabbed my head and smashed her lips into mine.

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