Chapter 8

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One thing would always lead to another.

Even Iris, who was the main and only cause of her predicament, felt dazed because of how fast her situation changed.

The other day.. I just had an imaginary boyfriend.. who was suddenly upgraded into an imaginary fiance.. Now, I'm somehow returning get married with a super handsome guy. She thought while her eyes glanced at Elliot who was driving her car.

The two went on their way to her grandmother's house immediately after Iris wrote a blank IOU.

Truthfully, Iris was curious as to why Elliot was in the seaside and how he was able to come there. He didn't mention anything about his car, so Iris just thought that he came by the bus.

However, what she was more curious about was his clothes. The suit really fit him well. In fact, the suit he was wearing was the best suit that she had ever seen in her life. Nonetheless, she easily dismissed the thought that it might be a custom-made suit when she looked at the man's face.

I bet even a rug would look so good on him. She thought.

"Ah.. that's right! I told you that my grandma thinks your name is Elliot and that you are 28 years old. You are also a businessman and you have a PHD in business." Iris stated.

"Don't worry too much about the other details. Aside from your looks, I didn't tell my grandma much." She added.

"How did you describe me to your grandma?" Elliot inquired.

Well, I was talking about my imaginary boyfriend before but..Iris thought, and, for the thirtieth time since they got in the car, check Elliot out.

It was only after a minute that she fell out of her daze.

"Dark hair.. dark eyes.. six feet and..wait! What is your height?" She hurriedly asked him.

"Height.. hmm?" Elliot raised one of his brows and briefly glanced at Iris. "Wasn't it six feet and three inches?" He smirked.

"Are you serious?" Iris' mouth formed a small 'o' which elicited a low chuckle from Elliot. His hands gripped the wheels a little tighter as if he tried to keep them in place.


After two hours of driving, Elliot and Iris finally arrived in front of her grandmother's house.

The house was small and cute but with a big, spacious yard. However, that spacious yard was currently covered with her relatives and neighbors, arranged flowers and chairs which sent cold sweats on Iris' back.

I dodged the bullet here. She thought as she grabbed the handle of the car door.

"Go there first." Elliot said. Her grandmother's place was already filled with cars so there was nowhere to park the car.

"Ahh sure. I'll just get the fruits for granny." Iris replied while she started to lean over the back seat.

However, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

"I'll get it. You go first so you don't need to walk." Elliot softly uttered. His face was near Iris' face which instantly made her blush.

"Alright." She replied and practically ran out of the car.

Iris merely walked a few steps when she heard a high pitch voice.

"Iris! You're finally here!" Micka, her pesky cousin, shouted on top of her lungs. Thus, almost all of the people turned their heads to Iris who was standing alone in front of the house.

Micka practically ran to her and forcefully pulled her arm which caused Iris to frown. However, Micka pretended to not notice her discomfort and even vigorously swayed her arm.

"We were waiting for you forever!" Micka said while her eyes looked at the surrounding to look if Iris was by herself. When she confirmed that Iris was alone, she loudly said, "Huh? Where is your fiance? Didn't you promise grandma that you will introduce him to her today?"

Her relatives and some neighbors started coming over when they heard Micka.

Micka was standing beside her grandmother when she had a phone call with Iris earlier. Thus, Micka knew that Iris had a problem. She thought that she cannot bring her fiance today. Maybe, Iris was even lying about having a fiance.

"Don't tell me you broke your promise to grandma? You can't, Iris! Everything was already arranged! She will be broken-hearted!" Micka exclaimed while she looked at the beautiful presentation of flowers in the yard.

"Iris, your fiance didn't come?" Someone asked from the side. Iris looked over and saw her nosy aunt who looked like she was waiting for a juicy gossip.

Micka, on the other hand, secretly sniggered at Iris who was looking embarrassed.

"You really have a fiance, right? You weren't just pranking grandma?" She meanly asked. Suddenly, her other relatives started to whisper to each other.

It was true that her grandma had been boasting about her boyfriend for a while now. However, no matter what the occasion was, Iris never brought him home. Thus, this casted doubts to the minds of some observant relatives.

Iris was about to say something when she noticed that the murmurs suddenly stopped. Micka even visibly froze in front of her.

Then, a beautiful and magnetic voice was heard from behind her.

"Nice to meet all of you. I am Elliot."

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