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Dear everyone,

I received some reports about the copyright infringement of my work. I checked on these and to my disappointment, I saw my stories stolen and put up on pay-to-read app. Apparently, some people stole my story and had the audacity make money out of it.

This incident happened several times now. My stories are something I spent countless time and effort to write, and I don't want to be a copyright victim anymore. Thus, as much as I would like to complete the story for my wattpad readers, I decided to premanently stop uploading in this website.

Thank you to everyone who supported me until now. If you wish to read my other novels, you can find them on iReader.  My penname on that platform is Majiedreams and I have written a few stories, and I'm writing more in the years to come. I humbly ask you to support me on this endevour.  You can find books 1, 2, and 3 of "Luna" there. It's " entitled "The Queen's Restraint Full."

As to those people who are waiting for me to upload the next chapters so they can steal and upload them on the other website - good luck on writing the ending of this novel on your own. Please patiently wait for my complaint against you.

Be safe and lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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