Chapter 12

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"There they are!" Micka's shrill voice was heard by almost everyone.

Of course, Iris was not an exception to this. She looked and sure enough, she saw Micka walking towards them.

As if you don't know that the newlyweds sit at the center table? She criticized Micka in her mind.

Liam, her fiance, was walking beside her.

Iris raised her brow and examined Liam's features.

It's true that I had a huge crush on you for years. But now that I've seen you again.. it seems like.. you're a bit short. Your forehead is a little bit shiny. Your nose.. a little bit too big. And your smile..

Did I really fall for his smile before? Iris questioned herself.

Beside her, Elliot's eyes squinted at Liam when he noticed Iris' attention on the latter.

Suddenly, Liam felt a frightening aura surrounded him.

"My dear cousin.. Liam is here to congratulate you." Micka told Iris but her eyes were on Elliot. She found her heart started to beat faster when came near him.

Iris, on the other hand, noticed how Micka ogle at Elliot. Subconsciously, she leaned towards Elliot and possessively held his hand. She didn't realize that Elliot likewise leaned towards her. The space between them was almost nonexistent.

No wonder I thought that Liam was a little ugly. Their difference is so big now that he came close to Elliot. Iris thought.

"Why, thank you, Liam! And Micka, of course." Iris stated as she proudly smiled at Micka.

Micka felt irritated by her smile.

"I heard that Elliot is doing business?" She asked Iris while thinking that although Elliot was more handsome, Liam was better than him because he was rich and successful.

"Yes! Elliot is a successful businessman! Isn't that right, darling?" Iris cheerfully said as she smiled at Elliot. Her grip on Elliot's hand became tighter when she remembered that Elliot didn't have a car when she picked him up on the seaside.

Elliot found himself affectionately smiling back at her. "Of course. My darling." He huskily replied. Iris felt herself blushing from his term of endearment.

"Really? Then where is your office? You know that Liam is a successful lawyer, right? Maybe he can help you!" Micka smugly declared.

Both Iris and Micka were beautiful and delicate women. In fact, Liam wanted to pursue Iris when he was a teenager. Back then, Iris was both the campus' beauty queen and the student president. However, Iris seemed to avoid him whenever he tried to make advances.

On the other hand, Micka showed interest in him and later on, the two hit it off. Thus, the two got together and he even proposed to marry her. He liked Micka a lot. But Liam didn't know why he felt a strange soreness in his chest when he saw Iris being so beautiful in a wedding dress.

Elliot noticed the change in Liam's gaze and felt irritated. That was why, he took Iris' hand and gave it a fleeting kiss.

Iris, however, didn't notice his action as she was in a competitive mood. Her back was straight but he felt her tight hold on his arm.

Elliot wrapped his arms around Iris and put his mouth on her ear.

"Let me handle this." He alluringly whispered.

"Thank you for the offer. Unfortunately, my company has already retained a firm as its inhouse counsel." Elliot spoke but his eyes were still on Iris' blushing face.

Liam looked at him. After all, only big companies could retain a whole law firm as their inhouse counsel.

"Ah, is that so? May I know the name of the firm?" Liam was young but he was already a prominent lawyer. Thus, he was curious as to who Elliot was talking about.

"J. Hillary." Elliot replied which made Liam's brow to raise.

J. Hillary was a very prominent old law firm. A few years ago, news came out that it was signed to work exclusively for one corporation, the Liliana Corp.

Liam subconsciously stood straighter.

"You don't happen to be.." Liam started to say but was interrupted when Elliot's phone rang.

Only then did Iris realize that both of Elliot's hands were both on her body. One was drawing circles on her waist and the other was placed on her thigh. He had to let go of her thigh, however, because he had to answer his phone. Iris heard him regretfully sighed before he picked his phone and felt her cheeks hotter.

"Bring them now." Was the only thing he said before he hung up his phone.

This was the first time that Iris saw this authoritative side of Elliot. It gave her an inkling that something was not right.

Soon, noises were heard from the entrance of the yard and a crowd of people, led by a handsome man in an immaculate suit, came in.

The handsome guy was smiling while the crowd behind him were carrying hundreds of Lily and Iris flower bouquets in beautiful vases. The flowers were newly bloomed and looked beautiful and fresh. The vases were as beautiful and even sparkled in the light, making people suspect that it had jewelry on it.

Then, Elliot stood up and urged Iris to stand with him. The newly arrived handsome guy came near them and very naturally gave Elliot the microphone from the stage as if he was the host of the party.

"At this point, I would like to express my gratitude." Elliot's magnetic voice was heard by everyone. "Firstly, to my grandmother-in-law for arranging this very lovely wedding and allowing me to marry Iris earlier. I owe you a lot." He added as he deeply looked at Iris' grandmother as if he was promising her a whole country. Everyone cheered.

This guy has a superb acting ability. Iris, who was beside him, smiled.

"I would also like to thank all of you here for witnessing our union. Cheers." Elliot held his wine glass higher.

"Please accept the small token of appreciation from Iris and me." He added.

Thereafter, the staff started distributing the bouquet of flowers to each guest.

Just a few seconds later, gasps were heard when they saw that the vases, which contained the flowers, were filled with diamonds.

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