Chapter Thirty-Six

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Days passed. The pack is training hard as usual. Every morning, the young pups will take the field before going to school. In the afternoon, the elderly are assigned to train. In the evening, the strongest fighting force of the pack trains. Of course, all of them don't slack on their meditation.

Lilly, on the other hand, tries to avoid me. It's not that she doesn't want to see me. But somehow, she gets embarrassed whenever she sees me. It may be due to the fact that I insist on sleeping together every night. To be particular, I ordered her things to be moved in my room. I was firm in my decision, so my little mate feels a bit of a grievance. As a result, she avoids me during the day time. Whenever I come to our room, I always find her pretending to sleep. I can't help but chuckle whenever I see her like a scared little mouse hiding whenever she sees me.

Ah. My cute mate. Just you wait until all the matters have settled and I will be more than happy to accompany you with a cat and mouse chase.

The four selected wolves by Lilly are training diligently with their meditation. As expected, the one who made a big progress was Tristan. Just this morning I felt an increase in his aura. His black magic is progressing faster than I thought. Also, it is much more stable. In a matter of days I know that he will be able to control it.

Black magic usually influences the mind of its caster into being ruthless. That is why, it was highly abhorred to practice it in the past. Before, all of those who tried practicing black magic became the most ruthless killers or started gruesome wars. That was the reason why most of the creatures forbid practicing it.

Tristan, on the other hand, is different. His aura fluctuation is extremely stable. His heart remains still. I know that Lilly has influenced his will to be steadfast.

As expected. My mate is really awesome.

"Alpha, this is hard. I am very very very confused. I don't know what to do!" I hear a scream on my side and see the curly pup with green eyes sprawled on the grass. He is panting hard and sweat is all over his face. Beside him are strawberry pup and the black pup. They are practicing meditation.

I lift my brow in question.

"Alpha, it's like this. I tried very hard to sense these elements! But I am still very confused." Ah, I see. So this is what his problem is.

"You know, I sense green energy. But when I try to summon them there's this blue one who tries to come and join so the green ones are interrupted! I tried doing this a million times already but I still can't do it." He pouts. The pink pup is looking at him worriedly. The black pup, on the other hand, doesn't seem like he cares.

"That's because you have affiliation with two elements. You say it's green and blue. It's wind and water. You should try controlling one of them first, then the other. Otherwise, you will not be able to control them both." I answered him. I am starting to regret again on not telling all of this to Tristan so he can explain on my behalf. It's because, whenever I have time to tell him, I always get lazy.

"Two elements? Then I'm more awesome than you?" Ethan exclaims. The pink pup gasps and looks like she wants to strangle the green pup.

"You're wrong." I answered him. More awesome than me? You are too young and it is still too early for that.

"Usually, wolves who can sense elements can sense multiple of them. The fewer the elements they can sense, the stronger each element can be." I softly say.

"Wolves who can control only one element are very rare and very strong." I smirk at him.

That's right. Me and your Luna are one of a kind.

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