Chapter 33

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Iris had a fun day with Lilly. They even wanted to have dinner together. However, around six o'clock in the afternoon, both of them received a call/a message from their husbands that made them immediately cancel their dinner arrangement and respectively returned home.

Lilly's husband called her at exactly five thirty in the afternoon. Iris saw how Lilly blushed profusely while they were talking on the phone and thought that her husband must have told Lilly something dirty.

While she was secretly chuckling at the cute scene, Iris received a photo message from Elliot that made her want to return home right away.

It was a selfie of him.. who just got off the shower.. with a towel on his head and droplets of water running down his neck and bare upper chest.

Thus, the two women agreed to meet again later and went their separate ways.


Inside one of the most luxurious villas in the country, one man had cold sweats running down his spine as he watched his boss read a multi-million contract.

Sean spent a lot of effort in procuring this agreement, so he hoped that his boss would finally sign the d*mned thing. He looked at Elliot who was sitting on the dining room chair as he flipped through each page and read through each text in a super fast manner. About a few seconds later, he grabbed his pen apparently to sign the documents.

Finally.. finally.. Sean thought. His body became stiffer as he anxiously awaited the signing of the documents. However, Elliot held the pen and stopped moving before the ink fell on the paper.

Sean didn't know how to react. His boss just stopped moving. What now? Is there a mistake somewhere? Sean's heart almost dropped to the floor as he tried to figure out what was wrong. After a few minutes, he couldn't take it anymore. So, he asked Elliot, "What's wrong, boss?"

Elliot finally looked at him for a second before handling his phone to Sean.

"Ah?!" Sean was very confused. If you were going to ask him what was the most precious treasure of his boss, Sean would definitely answer, 'his phone'. He never allowed others to touch it as if it contained the most important secret in the world. Thus, despite being his secretary for years, Sean had kept his distance away from the precious phone.

Sean audibly gulped as he felt his feet turn cold. Still, being a capable secretary, Sean carefully received the phone with his trembling hands.

Then, to his surprise, Elliot stood up and walked away while telling him to wait. A few minutes after, Elliot returned with his glasses on. Then, he sat back and did a signing position. He looked way better than the award-winning actor portraying an overbearing ceo role.

"Take a photo of me." Elliot ordered Sean and he stopped moving again.

Sean felt that his mind almost experienced a crack as he looked at his boss. Nevertheless, his body unconsciously moved and used Elliot's phone camera to snap a photo of him.

"Make it good." Elliot commented as Sean felt his whole world crumbling.

Finally, after taking several photos, Elliot signed the contract. Sean was thanking all the gods and goddesses when he held the signed documents. At that time, Elliot's phone buzzed.

"I'm on my way home, my sexy beast! Rrr!"

Because he was standing behind Elliot, Sean inadvertently read the message. His body suddenly became.. north pole cold.

Elliot stared at the message for a second before he moved fast. He took the lamb that he already defrosted and put it on the pan. He also placed a bottle of vintage red wine on the table. Then, he suddenly took off his shirt and wore an apron.

Sean, on the other hand, grabbed the contract and hurriedly ran away for his dear life.


Iris entered the villa and immediately smelled a mouth watering aroma coming from the kitchen. Immediately, she walked to it and saw a sight that she would forever cherish.

Elliot was in the middle of the kitchen. On his right hand was a plate of newly-cooked lamb and his left hand was holding a bottle of red wine. He looked like he was in the middle of setting up the table. He was only wearing an apron, low waist pants with his bedroom hair, and his gold trim glasses. His bare upper body was alluringly peeking out of his apron.

Elliot put the plate and the wine down on the table and told her, "Welcome home, my wife. Would like dinner, a bath?" Then, he slowly walked to her and softly whispered to Iris' ears, "Or.. just like what you asked me the other day.. would you also like to have me?"

Iris, for the first time in her life, couldn't control her facial expression as saliva fell on the side of her mouth as she lustfully looked at Elliot.

*Slight mature contents. Readers discretion is highly advised. Minors please stop reading 😁*

In no time, two bodies tumbled on the big sofa.

Elliot aggressively kisses Iris' lips as he shoves his tongue to meet hers. His impatient hands tore her summer dress, leaving Iris with her underwear.

Iris heard the tearing of fabric as she felt a tongue run down her neck. She felt shivers on her spine.

"Hubby.." She unconsciously moaned his name when she felt a hot mouth on the bud of her breast.

"Yes?" Elliot murmured with his mouth still on her breast. Iris' mind couldn't think of anything but the sensations he was giving her.

Iris raised her arms and pulled Elliot's face to kiss him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Elliot fiercely returned her kiss as he grinded himself on her soft body which elicited alluring soft moans from Iris. Both of them were breathing heavily.

Suddenly, they heard a low growl.

Elliot looked distracted. There was no way that anyone, not even his parents, could enter the barrier he put up on their house. Was he mistaken when he heard the growl?

Elliot blinked as he once again lowered his mouth to capture Iris' seductive lips. However, just a few seconds passed and he once again heard the growl.

Thus, Elliot sat up and looked down on his wife. Iris was looking exceptionally sensual. Her bra was pulled down to her stomach so her beautiful breasts were bare. Just on the side of her waist was her torn panties. Her hair was sprawled on the sofa and her soft, inviting white skin was sporting pink marks. Her cheeks and neck were red.

Elliot almost lost control as he felt his thing painfully throbbed. However, he bit his lips and lowered his ear to her stomach.

Iris felt her whole body burned so much more when she saw Elliot put his ears on her stomach.

Sure enough, her shameful stomach made another loud growl. At that time, she wanted to run away from embarrassment.

Elliot heartily laughed as slight tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Iris couldn't do anything but to cover her face with her hands.

Suddenly, she felt her body was being lifted. She peaked through her fingers and saw Elliot walking to the dining room. Then, he made her sit on his lap while facing him with her legs spread open.

Iris was flustered with their current position. After all, both of them were naked and she could feel his hard thing on her lower belly.

Elliot ignored her and cut the lamb before he put it in front of Iris' face.

"Have a bite." He sultry told Iris.

Iris gulped as she thought that anymore of this level of seduction would definitely cause her little heart to drop dead.


Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you very much for reading. The next update is next Sunday (regular 2 chapters) :)

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