Chapter 9

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They said that you would be more comfortable when you're in a familiar place.

This, however, didn't apply to Iris in this situation.

She was sitting on her childhood favorite sofa. Along with the cup of grandma's homemade lemonade on hand, Iris should be relaxed.

However, her body was stiff and she felt hard to breath.

Elliot, on the other hand, was sitting comfortably beside her with one of his legs crossed over the other. His own lemonade was already gone and he was charmingly chatting with her grandma.

Micka and the other relatives didn't go. In fact, they were all inside the small room trying to interject in the conversation whenever then could.

"The company just started a few years ago and it was very hectic until recently. Still, I have to apologize for not visiting you earlier." Elliot sincerely said to Iris' grandma.

This guy is too charming. He can even make my grandma blush by simply chatting. Iris thought when she noticed her grandma blush.

"Don't apologize, my dear. Work comes first." Iris' grandma replied cheerfully. This was probably her happiest day in the last decade.

Elliot merely gave her another sincere smile which added tint to her grandma's already red cheeks.

"Why are you so quiet?" Iris was surprised when she heard an enticing whisper near her ear.

Iris faced Elliot and saw his face near hers. Like grandmother, like granddaughter. Her cheeks immediately turned red too.

Elliot was very satisfied with her reaction. Thus, he slightly narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to her.

All of the surrounding noises seemed to stop because of his action.

Iris, who was the receiver of his (flirting) attack, immediately stopped breathing.

Elliot's face came closer and closer to her face until.. he took the lemonade in her hands and sat properly.

"Hmm? I'll have some of your lemonade, okay?" He devilishly smiled as he sipped in her glass.

Then, Iris' grandmother suddenly laughed.

"About the arrangement I made.. I know this made the two of you pressured. I was being selfish and wanted to see the two of you get married as soon as possible." Her grandma sadly smiled and held her chest.

"In this life, my only wish is to see my grandchildren happy. But, if you choose to, we can celebrate your engagement instead of a wedding." Iris' grandmother loudly sighed and looked at the couple in front of her hopefully.

What? I can do this? I can choose to hold an engagement ceremony instead? I don't need to get married? Iris thought. But, on her face, she looked like a shy girl who was embarrassed about the idea of getting married.

Nobody noticed the strange twinkle in her eye - except for Elliot.

Elliot pressed his lips together as he read through Iris. He knew, without a question, that she would definitely avoid marrying him.

Thus, he decided to move fast.

In the middle of a small living room filled with standing (nosy) relatives, an incredibly handsome man went down on his knee in front of his beloved.

Elliot gently took Iris' hands and ever so carefully kissed them. Then, he looked up and stare into her eyes.

"I planned.. everything.. for a very long time." He softly said. "But, I wouldn't be able to let go of this beautiful opportunity." His eyes were filled with tenderness as he uttered the words.

"Iris your grandmother's yard.. in this place where you grew up.. while being witnessed by your family and friends.." Elliot slowly said.

"Please marry me."

At that time, Iris' heart beat so fast and her eyes felt moist.

It might be the affection and devotion that she saw in his eyes. Or maybe it was the tenderness of his hold to her.

Whatever the reason was.. Iris, who always planned everything before she acts, nodded her head and agreed with his spontaneous proposal.

Immediately, after her small nod, Elliot grabbed the necklace around his neck and took out its pendant.

The pendant was a ring. The ring was not big but it looked majestic and beautiful. It was surrounded by bright and colorful stones which amazingly sparkled even when unmoved. Truly, it looked so beautiful and so much splendid than the most expensive ring.

Elliot' hand trembled a little as he affectionately put the ring on Iris' ring finger and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"It was given by my mother." He smiled while looking at Iris who, for the nth time today, had her mind blanked out.

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