Chapter Thirty-Four

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This Is Not My Room


That's right. Whatever my queen wishes, it shall be done. I internally profess this oath with all sincerity.

I'll give anything and everything to my beautiful mate. Be it the world, be it the crown.

In the first place, everything belongs to her.

Now, she has established the link with the wind energy. The wind energy, which was not called upon for a long period of time, went berserk with excitement when it heard my mates calling, creating a destructive whirlpool. The field is basically destroyed. Tristan will have to arrange the warriors to quickly fix this.

Soon, her powers will be revived. But her wolf still hasn't awakened. I don't know how it happens, but her wolf still sleeps deeply with no sign of waking. My wolf can't feel any sign from her, but my instincts tell me that it's only in deep slumber.

Like something is restraining it.

It doesn't matter. Lilly has progressed so much in such a little time. I need to be patient.

"Lilly.. she.. wow." Ethan manages to say. His face contains utter amazement.

That's right. Everyone in the pack has always thought that Lilly is wolfless with a strength worse than a human. See how wrong you are?

Only Tristan has a determined look at his face. He probably sensed that my mate isn't that simple from the start. Now, he looks determined to not be left behind.

Lilly, who was praised, became embarrassed and hid her face inside my shirt again.

So cute.

I can't help it anymore. I need to be alone with her soon.

"That's all there is for sensing the energies. All of you must spend time to sense them." That's right. After all, you're not like my mate who can instantly sense and control the wind energy.

In short, you are all slow pokes.

"As for controlling the energy into killing the "were-likes." All of us will have different techniques. As I told you before, the physical and healing abilities of the "were-likes" are something we can't be compared to. The only way to kill them is to crush their hearts."

"For me, I gather the energy in my fingertip to create a circle. Once it's concentrated enough to burst I will point it to the heart and push the energy into it. It acts as a gun bullet which instantly destroys the heart."

"Alpha, we need to choose the correct energy first before we can properly sense it?" Tristan asks. He must be worried. After all, Lilly has once said that the color she saw that was surrounding him is black.

I squint my eyes at him. This might be problematic.

"Yes. Choose properly." I tell him seriously and order him to be careful. In Tristan's case, it may lead into a bigger problem if he chooses the wrong thing.

"Like I said, not everyone will be able to do this. All of us must think of a way on how to crush those hearts. My warriors have already devised some equipment that could counter the "were-likes." Everyone is invited to look into them." I add.

My squad leaders haven't taken a rest since the first meeting. All of them, led by the former Beta, were squeezing their brains out on ways to defeat the "were-likes."

I feel Lilly's weight press on me. She is probably exhausted by controlling and ordering wind energy earlier. Good, I can take her home now.

"My Luna is exhausted. I will first send her home to rest." I look at Tristan.

"Yes, Alpha. I'll take in charge here."

I carry Lilly in my arms and head back. Some of the Alphas excused themselves too. I think they are going to have a meeting about this happening. I bet Sebastian is having a headache. Their supposedly secret technique/method was just taught in public, albeit it being slightly different. I bet they didn't know that there are other energies than hypnosis.

Lilly remains silent on our way back. She didn't even protest being carried by me. I'm mentally rejoicing at how she's starting to get used to my touches. However, I feel really bad that she seems to be really exhausted. My poor mate.

Back to the pack house, I open the door to my room and carefully place her down on the bed.

"Lucas, this is not my room." She softly whispers.

"Love, what mine is yours. This is my room, hence, it's yours." I countered her.

"But, I can't stay here. Everyone will know that I spend the night with you." Her cheeks glow red. My adorable Lilly, don't you think they haven't noticed that I'd been staying at your room?

"They will not say anything. Besides, there's nothing wrong with it. Mates do stay together." I sit beside her as I try to convince her.

"But.. in our pack, it's traditional. Until the mating ceremony is done.. the mates don't sleep together."

"You have mentioned sleeping together twice. My sweet, I am not a patient man." I brush my fingers to her face. She glows redder and looks down like she's embarrassed.

"You're wrong. You're not... not patient." She whispers softly.

"You're valiant, strong, understanding.. and patient. I don't know why. I just know you are." She adds.

I chuckled.

"You know.. me?"

"Yes." She answers confidently.

"Then, will you believe if I tell you that I know you too?"

Lilly is taken aback by my question. But, she still looks into my eyes and answers with confidence.


"Then, I really know that you also want this." I capture her mouth before she can react. She gasps which makes it easier for me to shove my tongue into her mouth.

I feel her soft moan through my tongue. This is beyond sexy.

I push her into the bed and press my weight on her. I kiss her until she is breathless before I let my lips travel down her neck, lightly nipping the part where her neck and shoulder meet.

"Lilly, stay with me. Let me stay with you. From now until forever." I whisper against her skin. At this moment, I know that I am being selfish.

But, I want her to promise me.

Lilly remains silent. She probably feels my silent urging, and she probably knows that I am asking her a very solemn oath.

And she dares not be careless in answering me.

I sigh in disappointment. However, my resolve is not that weak, so, instead of getting her promise, I made the promise myself.

"I'm never letting you go." 

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