Chapter Nineteen

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A Meeting With Slow Pokes


For practice?

I stare at my cute mate with a slight confusion.

Did I hear right? Didn't I scare her with my slightly violent way of handling the spy?

"Uhm.. if it's not convenient you could just kill them. I was just trying to suggest an idea, don't mind it that much Lucas. I heard her say timidly.

Just kill them?

I blanked for a moment before I burst out a laughing. My adorable mate isn't scared with the violent killing. I didn't scare her. She even suggested to just kill them.

She even thought that they should be used for practice.

Then, why was she trembling? I thought it was too much for me to squash that afflicted wolf into half in front of her.

I raise my eyebrow to her in question. Lilly didn't bother to answer me but I see her give a nervous glance to the wolves around us.

Ah, yes. I totally forgot. She might have been too shy to speak in front these intimidating alphas.

I give them a glance and see tension building up at an extremely high pace. The place is surrounded with high anxiety and no one dares to speak.

Thankfully, Alpha Craig breaks the cruel silence.

"Alpha Lucas. We all could see that Alpha Tane was afflicted. However, we would like an explanation for attacking your guest as well as a fellow alpha."

Does he have a brain?

I narrow my brows in irritation while the "guests" do their protective stance. Well well well. They look like small little pups trying to growl at a lion.

I feel Lilly grab the hem of my shirt and it instantly lifted my mood. She is worried for me. Furthermore, this is one of the few times that she initiated in touching me.

I turn around to hug her when Tristan rudely coughs to get my attention. I give him a stare which says that I'll get even to him later.

I unwillingly returned my stare to Alpha Craig who looks lost and apprehensive at the same time.

"I don't need to give an explanation as to why I squashed that bug. Firstly, he was not my guest. Secondly, he was not an alpha."

Alpha Craig narrows his brows but remains silent, waiting for me to continue.

Continue what, though? I already told them what is needed to be said. They got brains so they should use it.

After a moment of more silence, Alpha Brandon clears his throat to catch our attention.

"Does it mean that he is not Alpha Tane?" Haven't they noticed that already?

I look at him nonchalantly.

You're an alpha. Be smarter.

I hear a laugh and see Alpha Sebastian chuckling before ending it with a cough. Amusement is all over his face.

"I see that he was not Alpha Tane and a spy who sneaked in. Alpha Lucas did a good job noticing it immediately. However, I want to know what happened to the real Alpha Tane."

"I don't know where he is but he has not arrived in my territory yet. As for noticing the spy, I knew right after they arrived. I wanted to deal with them in front of you so you'll see a live demonstration."

I see the surrounding wolves made astonished looks. Even Tristan looks tensed. I bet he didn't notice it until iI attacked. Slow poke.

Alpha Sebastian makes a humming sound before asking again. "I see. Then may I ask how did you notice that they aren't wolves?"

More slow pokes. Can't they tell how? I hate explaining everything.

I only stare back at him without intending to answer. Suddenly, the area is surrounded by an awkward air. It is not my fault not to want to explain it with the slow pokes, right?

I feel a tug on the bottom of my shirt and look at my adorable mate who looks like she wanted to say something.

Now, this is what I want to talk with. I give her a smirk and lean down a bit so she can say what she wanted to on my ears.

"Uhm, isn't it because they smelled entirely different? They smelled like the ones who attacked us the other day." She whispers lowly.

I give her a surprised look and a satisfied smile. See how adorable and competent my cute mate is? She can tell it unlike all these slow pokes around us.

Even though she whispered it lowly, with the powerful hearing of everyone around, what she said was perfectly heard by all.

I continue to stare lovingly at my cute mate. If it is her who is asking, I will not mind explaining to her the law of probability or help her understand every article of the constitution.

"Yes. They indeed smell different." I confirm as I brush the end of her hair with my fingers. I see her blush beet red and my mood is lightens up some more.

"Humans smell like humans. Wolves smell like wolves. For werewolves, whether we are in our human form or wolf, we smell the same. Half human and half wolf."

""Were-likes" had their humanity die. Their human scent dies with them too. These spies mostly smell like wolves. Their human scents are almost gone." I softly explained to her.

Lilly smiles and gives me a nod which indicates that she understood. I give her a nod as I play with her tiny blushing ear. At the back of Lilly, I can see that Tristan is becoming restless. He looks like he wanted to drag me away from my mate to finish my business with the other alphas.

Sigh. It can't be helped.

"Drag the "were-likes" to the dungeon. Tie their hands and feet with silver. Give them silver collars too and double the guards with silver bullets." I order. Someone bows and hurriedly go to carry my orders.

"Contact Alpha Tane and locate them."

"Now, my fellow alphas, shall we continue our meeting?" I ask them as I indicated the conference table. Only Beta Daniel remained seated and although he looks pale, he also looks relieved.

"Do you want to join us, sweetheart?" I ask Lilly.

She immediately walks two steps backwards and waves her two hands in front of her. Even her head is shaking from left to right. So adorable.

"No no. I just came to see when I heard something exploded."

"Yes, love. Some guests were too excited earlier." I told her. On the corner of my eye I saw both Alpha Brandon and Alpha Craig blushed.

Ah, it seems that they are indeed close.

"Then, you eat first. I got your meal prepared." I told Lilly as I step forward and grasp her chin with my fingers.

Lilly, my shy girl only nodded. I can't resist myself and gave her a slow peck on her lips.

Lilly froze until I lift my head from hers. She then gasps and covers her lips before running away.

I chuckle at her cuteness. Didn't she know that she was the only one being shy about it? I bet my life that almost everyone here have made out in front of others. The guests also seem amused at her. I know they can't help it, my mate is just too cute.

Shaking my head, I just look at Tristan. Tristan blinks before he lifts his hand. A warrior comes to him immediately.

"Escort the Luna back. Bring her the prepared lunch." Tristan orders and I give him a small nod of approval.

The warrior seems to be lost for a second before he nodded back.

Alright, time to continue this boring meeting.

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