Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

It was already Nine o'clock in the morning and Elliot was still lazily lying on their bed as he watched Iris sleeping deeply. He couldn't keep his lips from forming a smile.

Elliot took some of her tendrils and kissed it. Then, he bowed down and softly kissed her bare shoulders. The last few days had been the happiest days in his life and he would give everything to maintain it.

Iris was probably disturbed by his kiss because she groaned a little and swat his face away from her body which made Elliot smile. His wife tried to maintain an elegant and perfect image but she probably didn't know that she sleeps without an ounce of gracefulness. One of her legs would always be placed on top of Elliot and her hands would constantly give him some punches. She also snored and drooled throughout the night.

Of course, Elliot thought that her kicks and punches were signs that she was comfortable sleeping next to him and that her snores and drools were signs that she slept deeply because she trusted him.

Probably Iris was too tired because of their "practice" last night as she didn't even move when her phone buzzed.

Elliot waited a while before he took the phone and answered it.

"Iris! I've been trying to reach out to you! Tonight is our get together. You must come, okay?" A high pitched voice said without even saying hello. Elliot's brows furrowed because he sensed sarcasm on her tone.

"Hello? Why don't you say anything?" The girl impatiently asked.

Elliot smoothened Iris' hair before speaking. "This is Iris' husband. She's still sleeping."

"Ohh?!" The annoying girl said. She was surprised to suddenly hear a husky and magnetic voice. "Iris is married? No way! I can't believe it!"

Elliot frowned. "I will tell her about this call.. later." He said before directly hanging up.

"Hubby.." Elliot heard a soft voice and saw Iris rubbing her eyes. His furrowed brows were smoothened right away and he gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" He whispered as he leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

Iris sleepily blinked before she asked, "Who called?"

"A nameless fly-*ahem*- friend." Elliot answered her. "She said your reunion would be this afternoon." He added as he leaned down and started kissing her neck.

Iris, however, pushed his face away as she said, "No way! Did she sound bitchy?" Maybe she was surprised by her own outburst because she blushed and gracefully repeated her question, "I mean.. did she sound.. not nice?"

Elliot stared at her and seriously answered, "She sounded very bitchy."

Iris' eyes went wide before she slowly nodded. "She does, doesn't she? She gave me some rough times when we were in highschool." She told him.

It was Elliot's turn to widen his eyes. Should we get even with her? Elliot wanted to ask but he pursed his lips. He would take care of another fly without alerting his lovely wife. Elliot internally nodded and was about to hug Iris when he noticed that she was already in the dressing room, picking up a dress for tonight's get together.


It was an early Sunday night and the weather was cold. Despite this, women wearing daring but expensive dresses were seen entering one of the most luxurious exclusive bars in the city.

"Oscar, have you heard? Tifanny said that Iris is already married!" A man in a blue suit loudly said as he smacked a man in a gray suit on his back. "Too bad, man! Too bad! You were late already. She was snatched!" He added.

Oscar grimaced. His friends knew that he liked Iris and wanted to pursue her. However, the girl only wanted to study and wasn't interested in dating.

Oscar shook his glass a little and frowned. He was a young master of an influential family. Still, Iris only saw him as an academic rival. He thought that it was because Iris was young. Thus, he let her grow up while he started working for his family's business. Right now, he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. He thought that Iris would definitely pay him attention when she sees him later. But how come he suddenly heard that she married? He couldn't accept it.

"That's what the man said. But who knows if they were already married. Maybe he's just a boyfriend or a fling." Tifanny, the woman who called Iris in the morning, said. "After all, she wasn't from a good family. Families like hers don't care about reputation and such." She sniggered.

Iris went to an exclusive high school. Her family was not rich and definitely couldn't pay the sky high tuition fee. However, she was very smart and had a full scholarship throughout her studies. Thus, her former classmates and schoolmates were children of wealthy families.

Iris was very beautiful and very smart, so she was popular during high school. Of course, there was a good share of people who hated her for attending the school she couldn't afford and stealing the limelight. Back then, there were many times when they would make snide comments about her social standing.

Tifanny was one of their leaders. She was having the time of her life since morning. The pretentious bitch had a man at night and they claimed to be married. But who would marry someone with a low status like her? Of course the man would also be a poor man! Tifanny thought as she wistfully looked at Oscar.

"Iris is married. I attended her wedding." A man interjected suddenly. It was Liam.

This caught everyone's attention. After all, Iris was really popular and as far as they knew, she never even had a boyfriend before.

"Is that true, man?" Someone asked.

"That's right! You are engaged to her cousin!" Another person said.

"Who is the man?" The one who asked was Oscar. The determined look on his face couldn't be hidden. So, someone whistled at him.

"What, man? You want to know if you can steal the girl away?" His friend asked him without consideration.

Oscar's cheeks turned a little red at the question. However, he didn't deny everyone's amazement.

"Ohhhhh. I have a good play to watch later." Someone teased.

Liam licked his dry lip and shook his head a little as he silently agreed to the person. There would really be a good play later.. but the protagonist of the play.. can only be that person. He thought as he drank his vodka.

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