Chapter 29

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Iris looked at her reflection to see if her ponytail was good. It was a Friday noon and Iris was inside the elevator on the way to the very top floor. On her hands were some chicken wings and pasta that she ordered online. She was planning to have lunch with her sexy husband.

It had been a very busy week for her. Her manager, Ben, suddenly went on an indefinite leave for unknown reasons. Thus, his workload was delegated to his team and Iris received some of it.

Actually, Ben was really good at his work. He was a great leader too. However, Iris didn't think that his probable exit in the company was a bad thing. Instead, she would be glad if he leaves by himself before she could file an administrative complaint against him. After all, she still hadn't forgotten his unprofessionalism/harassment towards her.

Iris was a workaholic so she ended up finalizing all of her new workload in just a few days.

Elliot had been very considerate of her. They would go to work together and he would wait for her in the afternoon. Sometimes, he would even come and visit her in her office just to give her some desserts. Unfortunately, Iris had been strangely tired at night. Her body would shut down even before she had the chance to ravish her alluring husband. That was why she decided to try and get some of his sexiness at lunch today.

I often see this in manga. The rich wife would come and bring her CEO husband lunch. Then he would ravish her instead of the food. That's.. an amazing office love affair! Iris thought as she indecently laughed at her immoral thoughts.

The elevator doors opened and Iris was surprised to see Sean standing on the side as if he was waiting for her. He smiled at Iris and informed her, "The boss is inside, madam."

Iris felts her cheeks burned a little with the way he called her. She was always lusting over her president-husband but she never thought of herself as the president's wife.

Due to the series of unexpected events, she really ended up as the president's wife. Thus, she had the responsibility to maintain that image.

Hence, she did her best to give Sean a "rich wife" smile as she swayed inside the room.

Iris knocked a little before peeking inside the room. It was her first time coming here and she was surprised by how spacious it was.

Elliot was sitting on a big leather chair. In front of him was a huge and luxurious looking table. On top of the table was a state-of-the-art laptop.

Elliot immediately looked at her the moment she opened the door. He was wearing a black suit which fitted him perfectly. On his left ear was a bluetooth earpiece and he was wearing glasses.

Iris was struck hard by the view. She never saw him with glasses before and she had a thing with men on glasses. There was even a time when she had a discussion with "E" about which glasses looked the best for men. Previously, she told "E" that she finds rectangular gold half frame glasses the most attractive.

Surprisingly, Elliot was wearing those very same glasses.

Iris felt like her mouth fell on the floor. The visual attack was too much for her poor heart to handle.

He looked even better than Adam, the number one on my list of the most desirable male characters. Iris thought.

Seconds ticked by and Iris remained motionless. That was until she saw Elliot put his elbow on the top and put his chin on it. He also gave her a smirk.

Iris blinked as her poor heart suffered some serious assault. She came over to seduce him but she ended up being seduced instead!

Iris felt her willpower surging and she stood straighter and confidently walked to him. Her high heels clicked on the floor.

Elliot leaned back on his chair. His eyes twinkled as he watched her.

Soon, Iris arrived beside him and she directly sat on his lap while her arms wrapped on his shoulders. Elliot was prepared to receive her as his arms readily imprisoned her waist.

"I brought you lunch." Iris softly whispered as she touched her nose with his. "Would you like to have it?" She added as her fingers started to play with his hair.

"Or would you like to have me?" She naughtily said as she looked deeply into his eyes. Like before, she noticed how his pupils turned reddish.

Elliot leaned and was about to kiss her when Iris was startled by a soft cough. She looked around to find where the sound came from and saw something that made her heart jump.

In Elliot's laptop, several people in their business suits had their eyes wide open as they embarrassedly watched the couple.

Iris wanted to jump out of Elliot's lap but the latter held her firmly as his hand reached to directly put down his laptop screen. Then, Elliot told her, "I want to have you." As his lips fell down on hers.

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