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I didn't know what to do, so I just broke off the eye contact.

I closed my eyes acting like it never happened.

Surprisingly, I fell asleep.

"Jesus, woman, how do you sleep do much," Michael said while flipping the pancakes he was making.

"Stress," I half joked.

"Stress sleep hits different," Amukta added.

"I swear, I saw you wake up," Atlas said to me.

"I did, and then I went back to sleep. It's like randomly waking up at four thirty and then falling asleep again," I pointed out.

Michael put a couple pancakes on my plate and I got the syrup.

"Dude, these are really good," I said to him and he smiled.

"Of course they are, I made them," he said making more. "What do you guys wanna do today?"

"I don't know, but I have work at five and I have to see my mom before," I let them know.

"We could sit around and do nothing," Daniyal suggested and I aggressively nodded because my mouth was full.

"I have been so stressed about finals and everything, sitting around doing nothing, sounds amazing," Amukta added.

"We should order pizza for lunch and dinner," Atlas said and everyone agreed.

My phone rang and I picked it up seeing it was my mom.

"Hey, mom what's up?" I asked.

"Can you come over in an hour, a lawyer is coming for my will and I want you here," she said sounding nervous.

"Yea, I'll be there," I said and she hung up. "I'm sorry, I have to go.  My mom wants me at the hospital in an hour for something," I said putting my phone down.

I finished eating the pancakes before grabbing my things and heading home.

I took a shower and put on a pair of black jeans and a dark green knit sweater. I normally wouldn't dress like this, but since there was a lawyer coming to see us, I felt the need too.

I grabbed an extra pair of clothes to keep in the car so I could change before heading to the hospital.

"Hey, how are you" I asked my mom when I entered her room.

"I'm good, just a little nervous. You do know I'm leaving everything to you, right?" she asked me and I nodded.

This meant the money, the car, and all her items, but I was also getting her insurances and her bills.

There was a knock on the door, and a woman in a black pantsuit walked in.

"Hello, Ms. Turner and Ms. Turner, I am your attorney organizing your will. How are you guys?" she asked with a smile.

"We're doing good, how are you?" my mom replied for us before she shook both of our hands.

"I'm doing good thanks for asking. Let's get started," she said. She pulled up a chair beside my moms bed, where my mom was sitting sitting up comfortably with a pillow supporting her back.

We spent the next hour talking about personal belongings and items and money and bank accounts.

"So, Arabella, you are turning eighteen in September of next year, correct?" she asked looking over at me.

"Yes," I replied nodding my head.

"Well, in a case where your mother dies before you turn eighteen, you will be put into foster care at least until you turn eighteen. After that, you can choose what to do. Unless you find an adult, you will not be able to live in the house as a tenant in the house you currently live in.  You will need to communicate with your insurance company about your healthcare plan, considering it would be just you, and you will be a minor."

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