Chapter 143

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Human feelings were like running water. The affairs in the world were like the clouds. Everything was in constant change.

Four Old Master and Fifth Old Master had never expected that their relatives who had relied on them to live before would dare to talk to them like that.

The elders of the Gu family who had been invited here by Gu Tingye, with shaking teeth and scanty hair, were still able to assert eloquently while citing the story of Shang Yang issuing the 'Living Separately' order as well as the laws and disciplines of all the dynasties. They said that the branches of the prospering families all needed to live independently. It was good for the prosperity of each branch and the members could still help each other in this way... Their long speech could be concluded by one sentence: After the family property was divided, each branch should live separately.

"You said that Old Master Gu has lived with the Fourth and Fifth family? Well, after one's parents die, it is reasonable for him to live with his brothers who are close to him. However, one could depend on his parents, uncles or brothers, but it is unreasonable for him to depend on his nephew."

"Well, you said that Old Madam Qin is still alive? Old Madam Qin is much younger than Fourth and Fifth Old Master. Don't say that you two don't want to leave because you hate to part with your sister-in-law."

"You said that Gu Tingyu has also lived with his uncles? That was because he was too weak to govern the whole mansion. It is fair that the elders have helped him in the mansion. However, Gu Tingye is still a lively man right now."

"The great achievements Marquis Ningyuan's mansion has made are inseparable from Fourth and Fifth uncle's hard work. Thanks for your support, help and care over the past decades. Now it is time for you guys to retreat. Your glorious image and virtuous character would be remembered forever."

Goodbye, see you, take care.

Fifth Old Master shivered in anger and got limp on the armchair. Fourth Old Master pounded on the table and stood up right away, "I'll stay or leave when I want to. You have no right to tell me what to do!"

He was a rude man after all. Then he started to act shamelessly while pointing to the people who sat at the back with their heads lowered, cursing, "You barefaced guys! In former days, you clung to me like the plasters and lived on the allowances I gave to you. Now you just kick me out when I am down! I'm telling you this, I won't leave! I'll see if Gu Tingye dares to drive me away by himself!"

He uttered those words in an imposing manner. Obviously, he had a great plan, but others had counterplans.

After a short while, Gu Tingxuan walked into the hall with cold sweats on his forehead and then whispered to his father. Hearing that, Fourth Old Master changed the look on his face right away. After he had gritted his teeth and stamped his feet for a while, he slumped into his chair dejectedly and stopped arguing.

The turn was not very unexpected. Minglan didn't even need to inquire about the inside story since the people of the Fourth family had given it away by themselves.

Gu Tingbing would be banished to a place three thousand miles away from his family. However, three thousand miles to the north and to the west were extremely different. Three thousand miles north to the capital was the border of the country which was covered with ice and snow and utterly desolate and might be invaded by the soldiers of the Jie Country from time to time. The people who were exiled to that place would never live a peaceful life. It would even be lucky to come back home with a complete body.

Three thousand miles west to the capital was nothing like that. Ever since Emperor Wu had pacified Nu'er Gandusi, the Jin area as well as the Fen Yuan region were basically at peace and the government's decades of work started to pay off. The lands had been cultivated, the soldiers had been sent to guard the borders and lots of villages and counties had been built on the west of the area. Except for the entertainment industry (The average age of the prostitutes was above thirty-five), the other industries all developed well.

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