Chapter 87

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In the western wing-room of the House of Clear Dusk.

Minglan lay on the bed, weak and weary. Dangju was gently applying some ointment with a faint fragrance to the palm of Minglan's left hand while saying in a soft voice, "... Lady, Old Madam is not to blame for your injury. You did something improper. She always sees you as the apple of her eye and has never ever allowed others to hurt you. In my view, today you shouldn't..." Dangju sighed, "Why did you have to do that? You can wait patiently for the response of He family."

Minglan had had a hectic day and now lay on the bed lazily, weary and exhausted. Hearing what Dangju said, she sneered, "Wait? How long should I wait? How can I afford to wait? A few years later, I would have no other choice. By then He family come to propose the marriage and Old Madam may ask, 'Will Hongwen take Lady Cao as his concubine?' Or I should pretend to know nothing and obediently marry into He family. Then Cao family would come to beg me tearfully and force me to accept Lady Cao as Brother Hongwen's concubine." Minglan twisted her lips into a sarcastic smile and continued, "I won't do such a stupid thing. Anyway, according to Old Madam's character, she will begin to seek another man to be my future husband in a few days." Minglan sighed and whispered, "I did that because I don't want to give up Brother Hongwen easily."

Dangju's face clouded with worry and she gently put down the white porcelain bottle with the pattern of green fish tails, which contained ointment, and slowly wrapped the gauze, which had been cut into thin strips, around Minglan's hand. Then Xiaotao lifted the door curtain and walked in with a tray on which there were some dishes and bowls. She came up to the bedside and smiled, "Lady, I noticed that you ate vert little during dinner, so I asked Aunt Lian to cook you a bowl of three fresh delicacies noodle soup. The noodles were made fresh and al dente. Lady, come on, eat it while it's hot."

On the tray painted in black, there were a blue and white glazed cup with the pattern of bamboos, a bowl and a spoon of the same color. And there were green beans, crisp bamboo shoots, sliced chicken and noodles in the shape of cat ears in the bowl. The soup smelt delicious and provoked Minglan's appetite. She took the spoon from Xiaotao who was steadily holding the tray and waiting for her lady to eat the noodle soup.

"Wow!" Minglan tasted the noodle soup and thought it delicious, so she raised her head and said to Xiaotao, "The noodle soup cooked by Aunt Lian is tasty. Give her twenty or thirty copper coins in token of gratitude when you go to the kitchen."

Xiaotao nodded and grinned, "Lady, you always give them money as a reward every time you ask them to prepare food specially for you. No wonder Aunt Lian actively lit a fire in the wood-fired oven as soon as she saw me walking in."

Dangju was anxious about Minglan's marriage and couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xiaotao who seemed peaceful and calm. "You are such a heartless girl! If Lady hadn't stopped me from telling Fang Mama what you had done, you would have been punished for your improper behaviors. How could you speak without careful diction in front of Lady?" Dangju gave Xiaotao a good scolding while she took a handkerchief and wrapped it around Minglan's neck.

Xiaotao stuck out her tongue at Dangju and said, "Don't bother Lady when she's eating." Then she turned to Minglan, her big eyes flashing as she said under her breath, "Lady, I have made an inquiry and found that Yancao and Luzhi were sleeping while we were out. Fang Mama will do something to keep Old Huang and gatekeepers' mouths shut. Young Madam Hai and Lady Rulan didn't come to visit you today. So, no one will know that we slipped out of Sheng Mansion today."

Minglan nodded and swallowed a mouthful of the delicious soup. Dangju looked at Minglan, opened and shut her mouth, unspeaking. Minglan stopped eating when her stomach was half full and Xiaotao walked out with the tray. Dangju took the wet handkerchief from Minglan's neck and threw it into the copper basin while saying with worry, "Lady, though He family grant your request, what if they break their promise in the future?" Minglan said lightly, "Don't worry. I have a way to solve this problem."

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