Chapter 91

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Minglan was dazed for three seconds before she came back to her senses and asked, "...Why did Sister Hualan come to propose the marriage in the name of Gu Tingye?"

Rulan threw the handkerchief onto the bed, bit her lips and replied, "It's said that Gu Tingye... he proposed the marriage in front of Eldest Brother-in-law."

Minglan was amused by Rulan's words. "He proposed the marriage in front of Eldest Brother-in-law? Zhuang is still too young. Eldest Brother-in-law can marry himself to Gu Tingye. Haha, haha... Ah!" She suddenly stopped laughing because Rulan slapped her hand hard. Minglan gently blew on her painful hand and swung her arms. "Well, all jokes aside. Sister, go on with your story."

Unexpectedly, Rulan had no more plots to talk about. Her eyes reddened as if she was going to cry at any time. "You know that I love Brother Jing... What should I do now? As soon as Eldest Sister finished speaking, I rejected the proposal at once. Mother gave me a good scolding right to my face. Then I cried and ran out."

Minglan sighed and thought, 'Marriage is a serious business. They are talking about your marriage. How could you act on impulse? You should stay there and figure out the cause and effect before you cry.' But when she raised her head and saw Rulan wearing a look of grievance, her heart softened. "Sister Rulan, don't be too upset. Madam and Eldest Sister won't do something bad to you. Brother Jing... I know Childe Wen is a good man but Gu Tingye is much more outstanding than him. Maybe it's a good marriage for you," she comforted.

Rulan became angrier and vented her spleen by stamping her feet and slapping the table on the bed. Xique, who walked in with a copper basin filled with warm water in her hands, sensibly chose to remain silent. Minglan rolled up her sleeves, dampened a washcloth and handed it to Rulan. "Sister Rulan, if Madam really wants to marry you to Gu Tingye, I can do nothing for you."

"I know you can't help me." Rulan took the warm washcloth from Minglan's hand and placed it on her eyes for a few seconds, then she looked up at Minglan and said, "... Can you go to Hall of Peaceful Ages and listen to what they are talking about? Gu Tingye..." Rulan blushed and stopped speaking.

Minglan opened her eyes wide in surprise and repeatedly waved her hand to refuse. "I don't want to go to Hall of Peaceful Ages. They are talking about your marriage. As your young sister, it's improper for me to be present. Whatever you want to know, you can ask Madam directly."

Rulan's lips were colorless from being bit tightly as she blankly stared at Minglan. Xique came up to Minglan and implored in a soft tone, "Lady Minglan, please help my lady. Just now she was angry and quarreled with Lady Hualan. Madam and Lady Hualan were completely annoyed by her. Now she must be ashamed to meet them. Certainly, she can ask Madam about this matter later. But Madam doesn't know my lady's affection for Childe Wen. She is unlikely to get to the point. What's more, my lady is extremely worried now and she can't wait to know their conversation. Lady Minglan, my lady has always treated you as her bosom friend over the years. Please help her!"

Minglan subconsciously wanted to refute Xique's remarks. However, Rulan walked over to Minglan with a fierce look on her face and grasped Minglan's arms, her knuckles whitening from her tight grip. Minglan was unable to shake Rulan off and moreover, she was also curious about what happened in Hall of Peaceful Ages, so she agreed to it in the end.

Fortunately, Hall of Peaceful Ages was not far away from the House of Carefree. Minglan strode along the path in the cold wind and sometimes Xiaotao drew her forward. Soon they arrived at Hall of Peaceful Ages and saw Cuiping and Cuimei standing at the door. Minglan took a breath, tidied up her appearance and then slowly walked into the house. There was no one in the main room. Minglan bypassed a screen and went into the secondary room, in which Old Madam Sheng, Wang shi and Hualan were sitting on the edge of the bed and talking about something. At the sight of Minglan, they stopped talking and stared questioningly at her.

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