Chapter 9

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"Caihuan, quickly go hurry Big Young Miss. Do not waste time any more, Master is already waiting." Wang shi stood in front of a full length brass dressing mirror, turning aside to allow two maids to tidy her up. She wore a red buttoned jacket with gold and silver threading, her hair bound up by a bee dangled hairpin.

"Mother, do not rush. I am here." A laughter followed and Hualan lifted the curtains. The same ruby embed Eurasian magpie on a plum hairpin inserted on her parting, the same one on her mother's. She wore a red rose thick silk coat with rat fur on the edges, reflecting the beautiful and rosy face of the young girl. "Mother, I saw the mamas by Ming yatou's side rushing into the house just now, could it be that you also want to bring Ming yatou along? It is better to avoid it, her body is not good. After dinner, she has to rest and it is possible that she is dozing off this moment."

"Rest what rest, she must go today." Wang shi coldly said.

Hualan looked at Wang shi, bowing her head and muttered. Softly sending away that two maids, and stepped forward to Wang shi's side, trying to sound out "Mother, it cannot be because of the matter of the Old Madame wanting to raise a girl?"

As expected, Wang shi coldly humphed. "Your old man has a good plan and presume that I do not know what idea he is playing! Just suppressed that vixen for not more than a few days, this moment still thinking of how to promote her! Originally I did not want to say anything, thinking that Old Madame did not like her for so many years and thinking that she will not want her daughter, who knows......Humph! It is dragon born of a dragon, phoenix born of a phoenix! That good Fourth Sister of yours is really serving by the Old Madame's side these few days. Carrying and serving tea, quiet and meek with small intentions, coaxing others to be happy. Currently everyone from Shou'an Hall is praising her to the skies, saying that she is filial and sensible and is the first filial granddaughter of the Old Madame. I guess that tonight your Father wants to urge the Old Madame to make a decision already."

Hualan's expression became serious. "Therefore Mother is planning to recommend letting the Old Madame raise Minglan?"

"Advantages can be given to whoever but also cannot be given to that vixen!" Wang shi spat.

Hualan thought deeply and raised her voice. "Caipei, come in!"

A maid wearing a jem coloured with blue clouds patterned apron entered and bowed in salutation. "What orders does Young Lady have?"

"Go, tell Mama Liu to tidy up Young Lady Rulan. In a while we will go together to visit the sick Old Madame." Hualan said and Wang shi's complexion tightened. Caipei answered and left.

Wang shi quickly reproached. "For what purpose it is to allow Rulan to go?"

"Mother knows what I want to do?" Hulan still calm.

Wang shi looked at her daughter for a while and lightly sighed. "I know that Minglan is of no use but, but how can I bear to let Rulan go. Her temper has already been pampered till bad and also never been properly instructed, how to go with Old Madame and suffer."

Hualan inwardly bit her lips, move closer to Wang shi's ear and softly said "Do not tell me you want to see that woman have her way."

Wang shi clenched her teeth, Hualan saw that her mother has been persuaded "Even if Mother recommend Minglan, with just a few words of elimination from Father, it will be obstructed. 'Allow the Old Madame to raise a girl is just to ease loneliness, sending a sickly person will tire the Old Madame badly.' At that time, how would Madame respond? It will only work if Rulan goes. Firstly, Madame sent her biological daughter to be raised by Madame, it is good in front of Father and you can obtain a virtuous and filial name. Secondly, Rulan's temper is arrogant and wilful, she can restrain her temper following Old Madame. Thirdly, if the one the Old Madame raises is Molan, it is possible that after a few years she will get closer with Concubine Lin. If she raises Rulan, how can not be close with Madame. This is winning three in a stroke."

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