Chapter 46

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The atmosphere of Sheng Mansion in Youyang was really pleasing with both the elders and the young amicable, easygoing and hospital. Minglan felt free at ease like a person prisoned for years suddenly getting her parole.

She and Pinlan shared basically the same tastes and got along quite well. The two girls, one a lively hoiden, the other an accomplice full of ideas, along with the nice guy, Taisheng who was quite used to be bossed around by his younger cousin, made the atmosphere of Sheng Mansion even more hilarious. When Minglan went fishing, Pinlan would dig earthworms while Taisheng carrying the creel aside, chattering anxiously like "Watch your step. It's slippery." or "Don't go any further!" When Pinlan wanted to catch sparrows, Minglan would help to prop up the dustpan with a stick and scatter grain while Taisheng hid behind the wall holding the rope...

Li shi was busy preparing for the wedding, so she asked her daughter-in-law, Wen shi to bring them back. However, Wen shi had never been able to discipline her sister-in-law, while Minglan was not someone she could educate at will, so she simply let them be.

"Just let them play. After all, they are just kids who are supposed to be lively, better than being dull." First Old Madam Sheng came to their rescue.

Seeing Li shi upset by the girls, Old Madam Sheng had planned to reprimand Minglan but gave it up when noticing Minglan's rosy cheeks and high spirit after these days of playing around. So she simply signed, "Nephew's wife also loves the girls dearly. It's just the girls would have to suffer if they were not disciplined well at young age. Well, please tolerate these two for a few more days. Educate these two wild girls when Changwu's wedding ceremony is over."

Pinlan, standing at the side with her head buried low, was called here for the lecture. However, hearing that, she immediately beamed with joy, which induced a reproving stare from her dear mother.

Exhausted after the long journey, Old Madam Sheng and Fang Mama asked Minglan to tidy up their packages and record the gifts from their relatives as she had long been helping Fang Mama manage household affairs back in Deng Prefecture. Having only enjoyed her day with Minglan for two days, Pinlan was quite frustrated and grumbled with her mouth pouted. However, seeing that all servants, be it the young or the elderly, report matters respectfully, and Minglan's orders were all nicely carried out without any whine or pine, Pinlan admired Minglan with surprise.

"I've also helped sister-in-law to manage household issues, but the servants always fooled with me and shirked their work, which really upset me. Worse still, mother didn't even support me and scolded me for not doing my job well...Do you have any knacks for that?" Pinlan asked with modesty.

How could Minglan not know the pain in it? For these days of playing together, she learned a bit about Pinlan's personality. So she asked, "Let me guess, my dear sister. Before you start, have you ever asked the mama in charge how she used to handle the matter before?"

"No," replied Pinlan. "I've already learned everything about the matter from my mother and sister-in-law, why bother to ask the maids again?"

Minglan continued, "Then I guess you must have had the matter solved directly without notifying the mamas?"

Pinlan nodded in approval, "Those mamas never take me seriously just because of the dignity that grandma and mother grant to them. Besides, many things can be handled so easily with just one order, why bother to switch it to so many hands?"

Hearing that, Minglan immediately put on an unfathomable look. Pinlan was intrigued and kept nagging for the reason. Minglan just smiled, "Servants are bound to masters by the contract. How could they be so daring to challenge their miss? No, they would only choose to obey the established rules to avoid unnecessary errors. When dealing with future matters, you'd better call in the stewardess first and figure out how it's usually handled before. Keep it the usual way if you can. Only trying a new way when you couldn't bear to tolerate the old. However, do not act on your own, nor should you let the servants see through your plan. Go ask your mother or sister-in-law first to see if your method is great."

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