Chapter 147

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Days were getting cold in autumn, but inside of the room was as warm as late spring. Dawn hadn't broken yet, so it was quite dark in the room. The incense in the jade porcelain censer with Qilin heads on the table had already been snuffed, but there was still a vague aroma floating in the air.

After a whole night of making love, Minglan had been very exhausted. Still, she opened her eyes very early. Then she shrank her body like a shrimp and got off from the man's body. After that, she sat on the bed in a daze and clutched the quilt closer to her while staring at the man. His arms were brown, his skin seemed glossy and sturdy, his long neck was bending slightly now, and his long thick hair spread on the bed, revealing his vitality. Right now, there was heavy snort coming through from his straight nose which was covered by the soft quilt.

Seeing him in a such a sound sleep, Minglan couldn't help but get a bit jealous.

This man seemed like a beast with high survivability. Sometimes he was extremely alerted and would be awakened by a slight sound and not need an alarm clock. However, after he was certain that he would be safe sleeping, he was able to fall asleep in less than three seconds.

There had been a few times when he had been too exhausted after he had ridden the horse all day. One second before he had been talking to Minglan, but when she turned around, she found him already in a sound sleep and unable to wake up even if she pinched his nose.

Minglan looked at his handsome face and his masculine jaw in a trance. Not long after they got married, Minglan already found that Gu Tingye didn't have trust in his superiors.

When he was in the escorting group, he felt that his leader who had been well-known in that field for thirty years unreliable. When he travelled in the wilderness as the bodyguards of the businessmen, he felt his leader not capable at all. After he had joined the water transportation gang for three days, he already looked down upon his headman(secretly). As he gradually had some support, he then started to feel the leader of his gang very unpleasant to the eye.

After they had got married and everything had been settled, Gu Tingye collected some of his properties left in the Yangzi River area and the Shu State. Only after Minglan checked the title deed for estates and the receipts did she realize that he had already saved lots of properties by achieving success in the gangs.

Although he was very proud of his achievements and power which he had built up from nothing, he still knew that those businesses were not so decent and were even less respected than the merchandising. Therefore, he had never talked much about it, even with Gongsun Baishi.

Now he finally got a fan, his wife, who was sensible and broadminded unlike those rigid and pedantic scholars. When she heard him talking about his experiences, she always seemed quite intrigued.

In Minglan's view, Gu Tingye fully reflected the words 'God is fair to everyone'.

Although he had lost his mother at a young age, having a not so supportive dad and an evil stepmother as well as a group of uncles and cousins full of guile, which made his way of growing up full of obstacles, he was still bestowed with excellent talents. Not only had he inherited his father's bravery and ability to fight, but he had inherited his grandfather's intelligence and capability.

It was said that Old Master Bai had risen from obscurity by playing on the grey side as well as doing decent business. With a strong ability in calculating and a brave mind, he had earned great assets with his bare hand. (That's one million ounces of silver, which has been lingering in Minglan's mind all the time.)

Gu Tingye could tell that his wife wasn't pretending to be interested in his story to make him feel good about himself. When she was listening to him, she applauded and praised him from time to time with the look on her face suggesting how much she wanted to be there with him. Then he was even more willing to talk. As their chat got more and more agreeable, they found them having lots of things in common. This marriage made him very delightful, and he had never thought it would. When she was around him, he felt as if he was bathed in the spring wind. 'So, it really was worth it to play a dirty trick in order to get a good wife.'

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