Chapter 139

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Gu Tingye was still in low spirits because he had done something he didn't want to. Minglan then comforted him by telling him lots of funny stories. She was not good at telling jokes, so she could only tell him the embarrassing things she had done in her childhood. Only at midnight did they stop chatting and rest. The next day, Minglan naturally got up late. Before she could wake up naturally, someone from the royal palace had already come to announce the imperial edict.

Danju rushed into the room anxiously. After hearing what had happened, Minglan was wide awake in fear right away. Then she climbed up from the bed and started to get dressed. If she had missed receiving imperial edict because of getting up late, she would definitely become the laughingstock of the whole capital city. Luckily, Steward Hao who worked in the outer yard was a smart guy. After he had served the tea and fine snacks and flattered the person who had come to announce the edict for a long while, Minglan finally arrived in a pearl crown and embroidered vest.

The eunuch was announcing the edict which had been issued by the Empress. Minglan who was still in a daze could only tell that she was being praised as a gentle and virtuous woman and would be given lots of things.

After the person finished announcing the edict, Minglan gave her thanks to the infinite royal graciousness. Before she had time to look at the boxes which were covered with yellow silks, she needed to offer bribes first by slipping a pure-colored silk bag into the eunuch's arms. Inside the bag was a pair of heavy red amber bracelets inlaid with gold that she had taken out in a rush just now. She had never worn those because she found them too flashy.

The eunuch was around thirty years old, looking honest with his chubby figure. After he opened the silk bag skillfully and took a glance, a satisfied look crossed his eyes. Then he bowed to Minglan and said, "Madam, I am so flattered. I don't deserve this."

"It's just a small object I found very pretty. Please don't look down on it, Master." Minglan smiled bashfully. This was the first time she made contact with an eunuch, so she was very careful with her words.

"Madam, that's so kind of you. I'm not worthy of being called 'Master'. Just call me Tong." The eunuch finally gave a beaming smile and put the silk bag in his sleeves.

Hearing that, Minglan knew that she hadn't called him wrongly and got a bit relieved. In fact, some eunuchs truly didn't like to be called eunuchs directly.

Then, Minglan said with a tenderer smile, "Thanks for coming here early in the morning, Master Tong. Have you had breakfast yet? May I ask you to have a meal here? Our cook has made porridge with the rice which has just been sent from south. It's good to have it with the sauced venison and pickles. What do you say, Master?"

The elegant young madam said in a gentle tone with a beaming smile. Besides, she didn't show any flattery as if she was asking her friend or family to have breakfast together. The caring tone sounded sincere.

Hearing that, Eunuch Tong had a good impression of Minglan right away. Then he said with a joyful look, "I'd love to stay. Unluckily for me, I have to return to the Royal Palace to report my work right now. I'm afraid I can not stay today. Our empress always praises you."

Minglan said bashfully, "I am so flattered. What have I done to deserve the generous rewards?" After Minglan had uttered fawning words for a long while, she finally got to the point.

She didn't mean to abase herself. It had been three months since she got married. She had only dealt with the affairs in her own mansion and never given financial aid to the poor, or donated to the temple to wish the country the best, or taken delight in attending the social activities among the noble madams. During her free time, she would either sleep or check the account book. Never had she thought of the royal family except for expressing her gratitude to them when being rewarded.

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