Chapter 38

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Spring Examination usually took place in mid-February. This year, the Emperor's poor health condition prolonged the exam to early March, so Changbai and Qi Heng started off in mid-February. Every day since their leaving, Wang shi either burned incenses to worship Buddha or held rituals in Taoist temples, making the rooms smoky, a scene as if Sheng Mansion was on fire and almost brought in servants carrying water. Every time Minglan visited to greet Wang shi, she came out with a pair of bloodshot eyes due to the smoke. At first, Sheng Hong reprimanded Wang shi, quoting one maxim, "Confucius never touches upon the supernatural", but reliable source indicated that in fact, he himself also worshipped in secrecy.

This kind of examination took three days in a row, and every test was like a torture peeling off the skin of the candidates. The moment they stepped out of the exam room, Qi Heng was carried on the servants' shoulders back to Qi Mansion while Changbai insisted on walking to the carriage on his own, then was received by Changwu, a mentor officer in the Capital's Guarding Team, to have a good rest. Therefore, the good news arrived home earlier than Changbai who passed the exam as the fifth.

Wang shi was overjoyed and wanted to immediately set off great deal of firecrackers and give off money and rice to the poor, but she was quickly stopped by Sheng Hong—because Qi Heng failed the exam.

Lord Qi felt alright, knowing that passing the exam on first attempt like Changbai was something as rare as phoenix feather or dragon horn. Most of the students passed after two or three times after attending the exam. There were even those who kept taking the exam for a dozen of years. However, Junzhu Pingning's face was in pitch darkness like the bottom of a pan.

Qi family was endowed with connections, so even if to die, they must die with a reason. Old Master Qi consulted the chief examiner in charge of this exam. According to that official, who said while grooming his beard, other students had simplified every ritual to focus on preparing for the Spring Examination and retreated all social life to learn since last Autumn Examination. Qi Heng, on the contrary, had gone back to the capital to enjoy the Spring Festival as if Deng Prefecture wasn't boisterous enough. The recent two months had all been wasted on drinking, partying, and appreciating landscape on horseback. Much fun he had enjoyed though, how could it be possible for him to pass the exam by half a month's cramming?

Junzhu Pingning couldn't be more regretted and Lord Qi came to realize one fact, patting on his thigh and exclaiming: No wonder Sheng Mansion had been so quiet during the Spring Festival! He should have detained his son in Deng Prefecture during the festival. At the same time, he refreshed his opinion on Sheng Hong who, after all, started as a scholar with rich experience.

After another few days, the Imperial Academy held another examination and Changbai was selected as an optional Reviser to work in the Academy until taking office after the Spring Festival. The good news was followed by his engagement with the beloved second young lady of the Hai family in Jiangning. She was born into a scholarly family of aristocrats with brothers and father holding official posts in the royal court. To the two events, Sheng Hong and Wang shi had completely contradict reactions.

"How tough that Changbai passed the exam! Why not send him to govern a place out of the capital but suffer in the poor Imperial Academy?" Wang shi cried and complained to Sheng Hong, "Didn't you say that his uncles will take him to visit important officials and build connections? Why is he now just an optional Reviser of low rank?"

"You shortsighted woman! What do you know? Do you know how noble is the Imperial Academy? Changbai is still young. Sending him out of the capital is actually something of low grade!" Sheng Hong lost his temper hearing his plan devaluated by Wang shi as worthless.

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