Chapter 14

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The next day at the crack of dawn, Minglan excitedly carried her practice book and made her way to the Old Madame planning to conquer the remaining characters from《Thousand Character Classic》in one shot. This was her plan! In the future she need not pretend to be illiterate any longer! When her little stumpy legs took a step into the main hall, she did not expect to see Wang shi come to greet Governess Kong this early. She was surprisingly similar to those victims of natural disasters lining up to receive emergency provisions and were afraid that if they were late, there would be nothing left.

She sat on the lower seat and respectfully listened to Old Madame Sheng speak "Last night, I humbly lowered my old head and begged Governess Kong to overwork herself a little. She has agreed that when she is teaching Big Girl, she will also teach the remaining little girls as well. Although they are still young but as long as they accompany her, listening and watching carefully, they will also grow in self-restraint..." Wang shi naturally is willing. She mused that this was a rare chance for them to have invited a highly qualified governess and they have to take every advantage of it. Unfortunately, that meant Minglan's plans for being recognized as a literate member of society could only be put on hold. Once she finished breakfast, she was shipped off to Hualan's rooms by Mama Cui.

They passed a beautiful bridge spanning half the courtyard leading to Hualan's lavish pavilion. When she saw Hualan, Minglan was blinded. Hualan wore a cloud embroidered green dress with a double phoenix brocade jacket, a soft jade colored flowing skirt and her hair was bound beautifully into a moon shaped hairstyle all held together by a golden band embedded with gems. Her whole being was like that of a bud of white jade orchid, extremely bright and beautiful. Even Governess Kong could not resist from double taking this picture of beauty. Minglan secretly thought to herself 'Brother-in-law Yuan, You sure have good luck with women!'

When Wang shi saw her eldest daughter dressed so elegantly and her heart was naturally proud and turned to look at the other two. It was clear that Rulan was not in a good mood, listlessly standing at the side, smacking her lips but Molan is in high spirits. When she saw Governess Kong, she eloquently enquired about her health evoking Wang shi into a burst of fury. She chided "Ru'er, why did you not greet Governess Kong when she arrived! You truly are unruly, be careful of your skin!"

When Rulan heard she was reprimanded, she immediately pouted her small lips and lowered her head in anger.

After Wang shi left, Governess Kong began the lesson. The priority of the lesson was placed on Hualan and the other three were treated as guests. Rulan, whose attitude towards learning was bad was already slacking off at the start. In no time flat, she progressed to playing Cat's Cradle with the young maid sitting by her side. In truth, Minglan too did not want to study but she did not have Rulan's stubbornness and unwillingness wasn't entrenched that deeply in her heart. After all, being forced to study wasn't out of the ordinary for Minglan, it had in fact become something that she had gotten used to a long time ago. Compared to the grueling exam-oriented education system of the modern times, these little studying sessions were mere child's play. Did anyone think that Yao Yiyi liked trigonometry so much that she drew and calculated a hyperbola over and over again? Did she really like the British accent that she would wake up early every morning to recite the bird like phrases? Could it be that she genuinely liked memorising that she chose to specialise in boring political law? Stop joking around! It was all merely for the sake of making a living.

Now although her environment had changed, the same principles still applied. If Minglan wanted to establish her feet in this ancient world, she must start with studying!

"Normally, it is said a girl's character and virtue are most important. This manner of education is merely just a vain formality, however distinguished families simply love talking about this vain formality. These lessons concern everything and no one will praise you if done well but if done poorly, will inevitably invite ridicule unto yourself in the open and in private. You sisters are all smart and should be able to discern what is truly important."

The Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें