Chapter 108

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Only until the end of the Wei Hour (Around 3 p.m) when the sky turned golden yellow did the new couple bid their farewells to the others. Gu Tingye glanced at Minglan, finding her eye sockets being red and her drooping long eyelashes being wet. Then he realized that she must have cried, which made his heart get softened a bit. He had drunken lots of wine with those men on the feast and was already slightly tipsy. After he had seen Minglan's look, he then pretended to totter. Changbai and others saw that and ordered the servants to support Gu Tingye to get into the coach too.

A few censers were set out on the tables in the spacious coach. There was a thin carpet being laid on the ground. Minglan helped Gu Tingye lean aslant on the cushion and fan him gently with the fan she had just found to dispel the smell of booze from him. The coach kept wagging. The afternoon in the late spring was a bit muggy. The red copper censer on the table was sending out a light fragrance of Liu Lan, which disperse vaguely in the semi-closed space.

Gu Tingye had only pretended to be drunk. However, the atmosphere in the room made him a little sleepy. After he had slept for a while, he opened his eyes in a daze, seeing Minglan slightly closing her eyes and leaning on the cushion lazily with a pink gauze circular fan with coral pearl inlaid in her hand.

While Minglan was half asleep and half awake, she suddenly felt a bit itchy on her eyelids. She opened her eyes while reaching out her hand to touch that place. Then she saw Gu Tingye staring at her quietly with his rough fingers fondling her eyelids. He asked, "You are awake?"

Having nodded and put down the circular fan, Minglan held herself up to sit up while smiling with two dimples showing on the corner of her mouth, saying, "Do you need water?"

Gu Tingye, feeling dry in his mouth right now, nodded right away. After Minglan had poured the warm tea from the lodestone tea plate on the table, she served the tea to Gu Tingye's lips and let him drink little by little. The moment she put down the tea cup, she felt the sky and earth spinning around. Gu Tingye pressed her on the carpet with the tip of his nose toward hers.

The strong breath of man along with the smell of the booze were sprayed to Minglan's face. Minglan couldn't even breathe under his huge body. She tried her best to push him away while saying, "... You're too heavy, heavy..." Hearing her words, Gu Tingye moved away his body while still gazing at Minglan with his bushy eyelashes almost poking Minglan's eyelids. Suddenly, he asked, "You have cried. Why?"

Minglan breathed heavily and said in a low voice, "I can't... see my grandma very often afterwards. I feel sad about that."

"No, I don't believe that. Tell me the real reason." He was clear of Minglan's temper. As long as she wasn't hurt on the body, she would be very tough and seldom get too sentimental. It was not like she and Old Madam Sheng would be part forever, there was no need for her to cry her eyes out. Even if she felt a bit sad leaving her grandma, she would definitely make some jokes to cool that off.

Gu Tingye was still staring at Minglan with his eyes which were dark like night. Minglan was a bit nervous deep down while feeling an uncertain feeling of pressure. So she could only stammered, "Grandma, grandma has scolded me..." After she had said that, she felt at ease at once. Seeing the man in front of her having no intention to move, she could only continue, "Grandma worried that I couldn't live well. She has pointed out that I have done so many things improperly. Also, she was afraid that I would irritate you while she was not able to look after me in the future..."

With Gu Tingye's body leaning to one side, he helped Minglan lean against the woolen cushion and let her sit in his arms. Then he raised his voice and said in a weird tone, "That's why she has intended to let you marry into the He family?"

Minglan felt her blood freezing. Suddenly she envied those couples who didn't know each other before their weddings. Although those wives knew nothing about their husbands, the husbands also weren't clear about their wives past either, unlike Gu Tingye who knew everything about Minglan.

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