Chapter 110

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At night, only after they had talked with each other until midnight did they go to sleep.

Minglan still felt sad when she went to sleep, she even wished that she could thump her chest and stamp her feet in her dream to vent her feelings. Gu Tingye also lay on bed quietly while holding her in his arms. Minglan thought that he might found it inappropriate to do any intimate things with her after he had just cherished the memory of his dead mother.

The man's body was burning hot, which made Minglan who was in his arms feel like sleeping with a stove. After a short while, she already got sweats all over her body. As she was in a daze, she only wanted to kick the quilt away. However, while she was kicking, she hurt her toes. Then as muddleheaded as she was, she moaned and complained, "My toes hurt." After that, she felt a huge calloused hand rubbing her puffy toes. At first, he just rubbed her toes. However, he kept messaging her, then started to slide his hand higher and higher along her smooth leg. Minglan roller her body, trying to get rid of his hand. She really wanted to say, "Just think of your poor mother." But she didn't have the guts to utter those words. So, she only said to him, "You have to go to the Imperial Court tomorrow."

The man seemed to pause right away. Then he wiggled with discomfort while holding Minglan even tighter in his arms to rub her with his body.

After a long while, as the sky slowly brightened, with Minglan's eyes half squinted, she stared at the bed curtains in a trance and touched the bed. However, there was already no one beside her. Then she instantly woke up with a jolt, calling, "... Where is Master?"

As the red silk bed curtain with clouds embroidered by golden threads was lifted, Danju approached Minglan with a smiling face and said, "My Madam, Master would be late already if he waited for you! I think Master is already in the Imperial Court right now."

Minglan sat on the bed blankly while thinking, 'The Morning Report in the Imperial Court starts at four o'clock in the morning. If the time on the road is also counted, Mr. Gu might only have slept for two hours. No wonder why it only took a short while for him to behave himself last night. It's really difficult to be an official in the ancient times.'

"Who helped Master wash himself?" Minglan asked that in a still feeble voice.

"We also got up late. Thanks to Xiahe (Lit. summer lotus leaf) and Xiazhu (summer bamboo) who still remembered about their duty. Madam, please give us a working schedule to let us serve Master in the morning by turn." Danju glanced at Minglan's body which was buried in the brocade quilt. It could be seen that Minglan's bare shoulders had some new blue and purple marks before the old marks faded away. Right now, Minglan was only wearing a red exquisite Ruyi necklace and a greenish yellow bellyband which was embroidered with green flower-de-luce.

Seeing the dark circles under Minglan's eyes again, Danju felt both angry and worried. Then she took a white cotton underwear over for Minglan to wear.

Minglan, being in a daze, let Danju help her get off the bed. Suddenly, something occurred to her. Then, having got rid of Danju's hand, Minglan walked on the thick carpet with her bare feet to the hourglass. Then she found that– It was just half past five in the morning.

Minglan began to let her mind wander. The situation right now was so weird. She didn't need to give morning obeisance to anyone in this mansion or call the roll in the morning. And her husband had already gone to work. Did it mean that... she could sleep for a bit longer?

Thinking of that, she ran straight back to her bed. Then she raised her feet and lifted the quilt to lie in the bed again.

Danju was too familiar with the whole set of Minglan's action. Then she lifted Minglan from the bed anxiously and cried gently, "Madam, you cannot sleep again. Don't forget you have so many things to do today. One Mama has already passes on the message that all the maids and servants would gather together in the front hall and wait for your orders. If you sleep again... sleep again? I'll call Mama Cui over!"

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