Chapter 27

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Qi Heng was born with a silver spoon in his mouth to a high-ranking noble family. His handsome face, easy-going and gentle temperament resembled that of Brother Bao(1) yet he was more prudent and aspirant than Brother Bao, passionate to learn voluntarily without the need of his father's pressing. After three lunches in the Hall of Peaceful Ages, his soothing smiles, noble manners, and graceful speeches even made Fang Mama(2), who had been a widow for twenty-eight years, soften her decades-long ice-cold face a bit.

About twenty years ago, Qi Family had its day. Both of Duke Qi's sons married well-known noble daughters. The elder son married the eldest daughter of the Great General(3) and the prince's maternal uncle and the younger son married the only daughter of Marquis Xiangyang, making the then lowest-ranking Duke Qi among aristocrats become exceedingly influential. However, the good luck had a price. The two daughters-in-law, with high-rankings, had their tempers, coaxing their mother-in-law into dazed joy and unsparingly disciplined their husbands in all regards.

The elder daughter-in-law, using her father's iron-fisted strategy in military, cleaned up all her husband's mistresses and paramours, leaving just a son. Sadly, the son had such poor health that he had to live on medicine as if he had been a medicine jar. Though now her original family was far less powerful than before, elder Master Qi—her husband was too old to work out another son. A few years later, the younger daughter-in-low married into Qi Mansion, and she imitated her sister-in-law in disciplining Qi Heng's father—younger Master Qi. After giving birth to Qi Heng, this Pingning Junzhu(4) weren't able to conceive babies, yet she never allowed Master Qi to open a second battlefield, so he had to enjoy his bitter life guarding the Junzhu and an old concubine who had no child.

Except for a paternal cousin who had been lying in bed within his room for years, Qi Heng had no other sisters or brothers. He might hang out with some maternal cousins but rarely if ever with maternal sisters because Pingning Junzhu, his mother, would closely monitor any girl who had the chance to become her future laughter-in-law. Since going to Sheng Mansion for learning and under Pingning Junzhu's ceaseless brainwashing about the concept of separation between male and female, Qi Heng deliberately kept a steady distance from the two flower-like pretty girls Molan and Rulan. Only Minglan was an exception.

Therefore, for Qi Heng, Minglan was the only younger sister he had encountered so far. Her pretty and lovely face like that of a little chubby squirrel gained Qi Heng's affection at the first glance. Yet, this cute little girl liked to straighten her adorable face, pretending to be serious. After having several meals with her, Qi Heng became less and less able to hold back his impulse to tease her. In fact, Qi Heng was a good person. The next day he had enjoyed the fish soup and dried fish Minglan sent over, he brought her a pile of well-cherished recipes of all kinds of soups, medicated diets, and flour-made food. Seeing Minglan was doing needlework, he brought her several books of embroidery samples, along with a bag containing pearl threads in a dozen of colors that were most trendy in the capital city.

Minglan couldn't resist the temptation to accept the gifts, the favor of which made her especially lovely and hospitable. She moved chairs, made tea for Qi Heng, and gabbled "Brother Yuanruo (5) must be tired from learning; Brother Yuanruo take a rest" once he was back from school. Acting like a busy squirrel running here and there, her tone when talking with Qi Heng turned lovable and humorous.

"Sixth younger sister, you're bullying the weak." Qi Heng deliberately teased Minglan, noticing she was poking goldfish with a straw of aquatic grass.

Minglan refuted innocently, "I'm not. Before starting the fight, I didn't know it was weaker than me."

"Then why don't you continue?" Qi Heng asked her, seeing she threw away the grass.

Minglan answered sincerely, "Brother Yuanruo, I heard your words. I shouldn't bully the weak." But secretly she muttered to herself, "What a henchman I am!"

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