Chapter 48

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Minglan didn't know the marriage customs beyond Youyang where girls were not allowed to banter the newlyweds in their wedding chamber. In addition, Minglan and Pinlan had received large amounts of information during the day, so they took a quick shower and hit the hay.

The new second sister-in-law, Kang Shi, had a rather Korean name, Yun'er. The next morning, when she served tea to the two old madams and her parents-in-law, Minglan was scrutinizing her carefully on the side. As expected, Yun'er was gentle and sweet as well as delicate and attractive. Minglan then turned to look at her second elder brother, who smiled so foolishly like a big pumpkin. It seemed that they just had a perfect wedding night.

Sheng Wei and Li shi both liked the new daughter-in-law very much, so they offered a thick red envelope as well as a pair of jadeite bracelets of high purity inlaid with dragon and phenix patterns. Kang Yun'er accepted them blushingly with the hair ornament of five-phoenixes inlaid with pearls trembling on her head as she moved. Li shi did not say anything about having children but just a few words about getting along with sisters-in-law for fear that her fist daughter-in-law might be upset.

After extending greetings, Pinlan secretly told Minglan that the dowry of Kang Yun'er was not as much as that of Shulan when she married Xiucai Sun. Minglan glanced at the innocent Pinlan and felt that the Kang Family was really a comedown, no wonder Yun'er married someone of lower birth while having legitimate parents from aristocratic family. However, disaster is blessing in disguise. Yun'er was a fortunate woman by reference to the life of her eldest sister-in-law, who was taken good care of by her husband and parents-in-law for many years even without having any child.

Thinking of that, Minglan couldn't help sighing to God, "Why are all the excellent gentlemen I know of are my collateral relatives by blood up to three generations?" She couldn't help but wonder what her future husband would be like. If she married someone like her brother-in-law Sun, she could do nothing but choose to have affairs or to be a lesbian.

Old Madam Sheng proved to be a very successful matchmaker judging by how Yun'er behaved in the next several days. Kang Yun'er was not only courteous and polite, but also respectful to her sisters-in-law. Although she was too reserved to be shy every now and then, she was a good match for the easy-going Changwu.

Yun'er treated Old Madam Sheng with great respect and constantly helped Old Madam Sheng to the braised arugula after learning that it was one of her favorite dishes. Sheng Yun, who was also at the table, teased, "It is said that the matchmaker would soon be forgotten after the wedding night. But look at my nephew's wife, such a grateful girl."

Shied by the words, Yun'er was on the brink of finding a hole to burry herself. Big Old Madam Sheng put on a serious face and hit Sheng Yun hard to back up for Yun'er but then she herself couldn't help smiling. Pinlan, who was then eating in the side room, deeply regretted for her absence of such a great opportunity to banter with her bashful sister-in-law, a hobby she just developed. However, every time Pinlan did that, Minglan would come to the rescue while Changwu would chase after his naughty sister all over in the house to do justice to his newly-wedded wife, filling the house with laughers and joy. Therefore, Pinlan didn't always get the chance to enjoy her new hobby.

Li shi was delighted to see all in the family getting alone well but then worried when thinking of her firstborn. So she prayed in secret and wished that all her children would lead a happy life.

Seven days after the wedding ceremony, the whole Sheng family went to the ancestral hall to offer incense to their forefathers. Males first offered sacrificial meat then the ladies went in to kowtow. Their main purpose was to introduce Yun'er to those deceased and the rest of the family members, after which Yun'er became a true member of Sheng family.

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