Chapter 96

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After sending Wang shi and Minglan away, Hualan changed into a half-old peach color silk cotton padded coat. Then she leaned on the pillow and began to do the needlework on the brick bed by the window. After a short while, she heard sound from the curtains. That was Yuan Wenshao, her husband, stepping into the room. He walked fast to the bed and said to his wife smilingly, "You have sat up again. Why don't you lie down and have a rest?"

"I've lain on the bed for almost half a day. I can't bear it anymore." Hualan acted cutesy and rolled her eyes to him. After that, she put down her needlework basket while getting off the bed to help her husband taking off his clothes. The maid beside them took over his rope and coat while serving Yuan Wenshao to change into casual wear. Then Yuan Wenshao held Hualan to sit back to the brick bed.

He picked up a cup of new tea on the table and took a sip slowly. Since he had just pasted thirty, he had started to grow moustache on his face. With his square face, he looked very stern and solemn as if he was already forty. Hualan glanced at him while missing that clean and pretty face of his husband when they had just got married.

"Have my mother-in-law and sister-in-law already gone?"

"Has General Gu left?"

After the maid had left, they started to talk at the same time. Having been in a trance for a moment, Yuan Wenshao and Hualan looked at each other and burst into laughter together. As they laughed for a long while, Hualan sighed and said with a smile, "I've heard people say that couples always worked in partnership. Now I know what that means!"

Yuan Wenshao also laughed and said, "No wonder! I feel quite well colluding with you, honey!"

"Who's colluding with you!" Hualan blushed and beat his husband with her fists while chuckling. Yuan Wenshao held her hand cheerfully. Having fought in jest for a while, they sat up and started to chat.

"What do you think of the thing happened today?" Yuan Wenshao said slightly while holding his wife in his arms.

Hualan thought of the report from the maid. Although the maid had only watched Minglan and Gu Tingye from a long distance and couldn't hear their conversation, she had still guessed what had happened. At first, Minglan and Gu Tingye had still talked with each other politely. However, afterwards Gu Tingye had said something to irritate Minglan. Then Minglan had run away while crying out of anger. After being deep in thought, Hualan said, "I think their marriage is settled."

"Really? Are you sure?" Yuan Wenshao asked.

Hualan nodded firmly, saying, "Such being the case, if they don't get married, everyone would be humiliated."

Yuan Wenshao was confident in Hualan's capability, so he let out a sign of relief. Seeing his reaction, Hualan put on a gloomy look, saying ashamedly, "It's all my family's fault. Uniting two families by marriage should be a good thing. Now they have caused this awkward situation and even let you get involved."

Yuan Wenshao laughed loudly and waved his hand, comforting his wife, "Don't blame yourself for that. The elders haven't reached to consensus, that's all."

Hualan touched her husband's chest with her bright and tender hands while opening her eyes widely on purpose, saying with a delicate and touching look, "My dad is a scholar who is stubborn about moral principles. After my fourth sister married in Liang family, he feels sorry for Scholar Wen, so my father has always been thinking of marrying my fifth sister in Wen family in order to make up for Scholar Wen. However, my mother believes that the marriage proposal which was brought up by you must be more beneficial to my fifth sister. Moreover, my sixth sister is raised by my grandma so only my grandma could decide who my sixth sister will be betrothed. Well, well, the three elders all have their own intentions. That's why this thing has become so troublesome."

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