Chapter 123

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Human was a kind of creature that loved to do self-examination. They tended to take the things that they had failed to do or do well to heart.

If God gave Mama Fang a chance to do the time-travel, she would definitely choose to arrive at the time before or right after Old Madam Sheng's wedding. Then, Mama Fang would either sabotage the wedding or kill those bitches. Every time she thought of that, she wished that Old Master Sheng could climb out of his tomb and marry some evil concubines. Then Mama Fang would be able to fix those concubines as many times as she wanted. However, that was only Mama Fang's wish. Being depressed by the fact, she then...

"... That Qiuniang left immediately afterwards." After dinner, Xiaotao told Minglan that Qiuniang had come to the House of Auspiciousness this afternoon while Gu Tingye was in the study.

Minglan, not fully awaken yet, tried her best to blink and said, "So what?"

Qiuniang was only not able to restrain her desire to chat with her master (also her husband) whom she had met again after a long separation. Unfortunately, Gu Tingye was never the person he had used to be.

"This is not that simple!" Danju shouted that, anxious of Minglan's lack of alertness. Minglan was quite taken back.

"How did she know when Master would return? She arrived at the House of Auspiciousness right after Master came back. What a coincidence! It's so obvious that she has sent someone to wait at the crossroad. Then she'll be the first one to know about Master's arrival!" Danju made a perfect deduction with light flashing in her eyes, "Puff, this is the first day she came to this mansion! Where did she find the person to help her? How did she know which road Master usually takes!"

"So..." Minglan helped Danju to continue.

Danju gritted her teeth secretly, rage on her usually mild face, "After I told Sister Cuiwei about my doubts, she went to look into this right away. After the three of them moved into the House of Cardamon Fragrance, Concubine Gong and Young Lady Rong rested themselves immediately. However, Qiuniang went to talk to Mama Lai secretly! Humph! Why couldn't they just behave themselves!"

"So what?" Minglan couldn't help laughing and said, "Mama Lai and Qiuniang both worked for Old Madam Qin before. It's not a big deal that they want to talk with each other. As for the fact that Qiuniang has nosed for things about Master, which garden or which road she wants to go is none of my business, unless I ground everyone in the House of Cardamon Fragrance. The only thing we should do is guarding the door of my own yard."

Those women might have already colluded with each other. However, Minglan was not afraid of that.

Xiaotao got worried in a trance, "Isn't there a way to control them?"

"Sending someone to wait at the crossroad or talking with a Mama in charge is not a mistake." Minglan shook her head and said, "Being angry for trifles is not only useless but also will let others taunt at me. The outsiders would say that I am a narrow-minded madam. We have our family rules and discipline. As long as they violate the rules, it'll be easy for me to punish them!"

"But what if they don't make any violation and only disgust us?" Danju reacted very fast.

Minglan gave a hollow laugh and uttered, "Then... we can only disgust them." Nearly all the concubines in the ancient times had made their madams feel sick. Some madams with sensitive characters might even spit the blood.

The disgusting thing came right away.

Next day in the morning, while Minglan was still gluing herself to bed, Gong Hongxiao and Qiuniang brought Rong to give obeisance to Minglan. Danju and Xiaotao then helped Minglan get dressed in a great bustle. Thanks to their work, Minglan was able to meet the comers in time.

The Legend of Concubine's Daughter MinglanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang