Chapter 15

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After waiting for an hour, everyone saw a carriage approaching them and stopped outside the Spirit Hall branch, and a young man with a pale face walked out of the carriage. He saw the gathering and walked towards them, and before he could speak, Old Jack stepped forward and respectfully said, " Esteemed Sir, welcome to the Holy Spirit village. You can rest first, and we can come tomorrow again after you feel better. " Yu Xiaogang frowned as he heard what Old Jack said, but he did not interrupt him because he found that the spirit-master in front of him seemed sick.

The youth smiled politely and said, " Thank you, but it won't be necessary because I have to go to the next village today itself. "

Old Jack nodded and did not continue to insist, but he had a favorable impression of the spirit-master in front of him after he saw that the other side was polite to him. He faced Yu Xiaogang and said, " Xiaogang, please take care of everything. I am going back to bring some food and medicine for him. "

" Don't worry, leave everything here to me. " Yu Xiaogang responded confidently. Old Jack felt relieved by his response and started walking back.

The Spirit Hall youth saw all this and did not interrupt them. He gestured everyone else to follow him into the wooden house. All of them followed him inside and looked around curiously; even Yu Xiaogang was no exception because he had never been into a Spirit Hall subsidiary halls. The hall was simple, with a desk at the center and a few chairs at the corner for the parents accompanying their children.

The youth placed the bag which he was carrying with him and stood in the center of the hall, and children stood in front of him in a straight line. Yu Xiaogang sat on the chair in the corner and looked at everything calmly.

The youngster gazed at the children in front of him. As experienced personnel of the Spirit Hall, he knew that performing and guiding the children through the awakening ceremony was one of his most important tasks.

The youth coughed slightly and gained the attention of all the children, then he spoke, " I am Sun Tao, a twenty-one ranked Spirit-Grandmaster. After a while, I will guide all of you through the martial spirit awakening ceremony. " Before he could continue, Li Mei curiously spoke, " Senior, what does the badge on your chest represents? "

Sun Tao did not feel angry because of the interruption; instead, he was surprised to see such a lively girl because most of the children he had seen until now were timid. Sun Tao did not mind spending a few minutes explaining a few things to the children.

Sun Tao pointed his finger to the badge attached to his clothing on the left side of his chest and said, " This badge represents the most basic information about a Spirit-master. The three long crossed swords on the badge represent my level; the quantity three stands for the rank of Spirit-Grandmaster. " He stopped for a moment and looked at the children to see if they understood his explanation and continued, " The swords represent that I am a battle type spirit-master; hence, I am a rank twenty-one battle type Spirit-Grandmaster. Don't worry if you don't understand because you will learn everything in the academy after you successfully awaken the martial spirit. "

The children present in the hall had received basic education from Yu Xiaogang, so they understood him.


Yu Xiaogang was surprised after looking at the interaction between Sun Tao and his students. Most of the people in the Spirit Hall were arrogant, and Yu Xiaogang rarely saw a polite person like him. He carefully looked at the person in front of him again with the thought of recruiting him in the future, if possible.

Sun Tao looked no more than twenty and possessed bright and handsome facial features. He was dressed in white clothes with a black cloak on his back. This was the standard attire of the subordinates in the Spirit Hall.


After satisfying the curiosity of the little girl, Sun Tao opened the bag and took out six black round stones and a bright blue crystal sphere. He arranged the black stones in a hexagon pattern on the ground in front of him. After completing it, he said, " I am going to start the awakening ceremony. Listen carefully and follow my instructions. " He motioned the first kid to come forward and stand inside the hexagon.

Sun Tao opened his left hand, and a white sword appeared in his hand, and two rings came into existence beneath his foot and constantly moved from underfoot to the crown of his head. To relax and comfort the kid, he spoke, " Do you guys see these light halos. These are called spirit-rings, and the white one is ten years old; the lowest spirit ring a spirit-master can absorb. The yellow one is a hundred-year spirit ring."

This immediately diverted the attention of the kid standing within the formation. Sun tao felt relieved after seeing this and told the kid to close his eyes and stay calm.

Sun Tao quickly made a few hand seals; his light blue colored spirit energy entered the six black round stones. Immediately afterward, the stones sprayed a hazy golden light. It rose towards the boy standing within the hexagon and entered his body.

The boy's body trembled for a bit after the golden light entered his body. Sun Tao's complete attention was on the boy, and as he noticed the latter's body shiver, he spoke, " Kid, extend your right hand. "

The boy obediently extended his right hand, and the golden light surged out of his hand. As the light faded, a carrot appeared on his hand. Sun Tao shook his head after seeing a carrot appear, but he continued with his task before making a final decision.

The boy's mood became low after he saw a carrot on his right hand and looked at Sun Tao and asked, " Senior, how can I recall my martial spirit. "

Sun Tao said, " Try to recall the feeling when your martial spirit awakened and concentrate on it while thinking about recalling it. "

The boy followed his instructions and tried. It took him a while before he succeeded in recalling his martial spirit. Sun Tao patiently waited for the boy to recall his martial spirit and then took the blue crystal sphere in front of the boy and asked him to place his hand on it.

The boy placed his hand on the crystal, and Sun Tao sighed after not finding any spirit energy fluctuations from the blue crystal.

Sun Tao looked at the boy and said, " You don't have any spirit-power, kid you can not become a spirit-master. For now, go and sit in the corner. " He pointed towards the corner where Yu Xiaogang was sitting.

The boy stepped aside and walked dejectedly. Other children looked worried after seeing their friend's outcome. Yu Xiaogang also sighed after seeing that his student could not become a spirit-master. He gestured the boy to sit beside him and consoled the kid.

Next, it was the Li sibling's turn, and they entered the formation one after another, but to everyone's disappointment, they also did not possess spirit-power.

Sun Tao did not have any high hopes from the beginning because people rarely possess spirit-power.

Now only Di Chun and Yu Yan were left for the awakening ceremony. Sun Tao gestured to Di Chun to enter the hexagon and again performed the awakening ceremony. Sun Tao asked him to extend his right hand.

Di Chun followed his instructions and extended his right hand. The golden light bloomed out more vigorously out of his hand as compared to the other children tested before.


A brown bear phantom appeared behind Di Chun as the light faded, and everyone heard a bear's roar. Sun Tao excitedly taught him how to retract his martial spirit back. He took the blue crystal ball, and put it in front of the boy, asked him to place his hand on it.

Di Chun timidly placed his hand on the blue crystal ball. He was a little nervous and scared because of what he had seen before. The instant he placed his hand on the blue sphere, it began to shine brightly, making Sun Tao shocked. Even Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment before regaining his posture.

" Heavens! Innate Full Spirit Power. " Sun Tao muttered to himself and congratulated Di Chun happily and told him to wait for a while after the ceremony ends.

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