Chapter 65

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Almost everyone arrived, and Xiaogang returned to the hall. After stepping in, he noticed that the atmosphere in the room was lively. It seemed as if they had not gathered like this in a long time.

Even Salas and Xue Xing got infected by their surroundings, and there was a smile on their faces.

Everyone looked around curiously; they had not attended such an event before. For them, it was a novel experience. They were looking forward to what other events were going to take place.

Yes, the events which were taking place today were planned by Xiaogang following the memories of his third life on earth.

Xiaogang walked forward and stood beside Erlong and Zhao Wuji. After a long discussion, it was decided that the three of them will have the same title as the vice-dean.

They stood just behind Flender, which already gave a hint about their status to everyone seated in front of them.

" Cough! " Although Flender coughed lightly, it still attracted everyone's attention. Maybe it was his charisma or that everyone knew about their spirit fusion ability. He nodded in satisfaction after seeing their reaction.

With a light smile on his face, Flender started speaking, " Hello, I am Flender. The dean of Shrek Academy. "

Flender took a step sidewards and pointed at the three people standing behind him, and said, " The three of them are the vice-dean of the academy. "

Suddenly a dark expression replaced the smile on Flender's face as he continued, " Everyone must have already received the news that some assassins broke in my academy. " His voice was colder as compared to before.

" After paying a great price, we finally got rid of them. " At this point, there was a touch of sadness in his voice. Flender felt distressed every time he thought about the recent loss.

Suddenly, Flender thought of something, and a greedy light flashed in his eyes as he looked at the people sitting in front of him.

Many people's faces twitched after listening to Flender. Like others, they would have also believed him; fortunately, the news travels fast, and they already knew about the Titled Douluo level spirit fusion ability.

Flender continued to talk for another hour. The teachers continued to serve snacks and drinks; moreover, the content of his speech really kept everyone occupied.

He started by talking about the past of the Shrek Academy. All of the people sitting in this room belonged to a certain powerful group and could investigate these details anytime; moreover, it was already the past.

So, Flender recounted the whole of his experience. After that, he called Qin Ming and introduced him to the audience.

" He is Qin Ming, my best student yet. " Flender's tone was full of pride. He said, " Xiao Qin Ming, introduce yourself. "

" Hello everyone, I am Qin Ming, a rank 54 spirit-king. " For a moment, no one spoke after Qin Ming introduced himself.

Suddenly Dugu Bo asked, " Boy, how old are you this year? "

" Your excellency, senior Dugu, I am twenty-two this year. " Qin Ming politely replied. There was complete silence after hearing his reply.

Dugu Bo's eyes also shined after hearing his reply. He felt that there might be a possibility that the boy in front of him may become the youngest Titled Douluo in history.

Immediately after entering, he sensed that Erlong was a spirit-douluo. Dugu Bo suddenly regretted promising Prince Xue Xing. He felt that it would be a stupid move to provoke the other party because there might be two Titled douluo present in the future.

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