Chapter 68

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" Hiss! " Feeling threatened, Dugu Bo instantly summoned his martial spirit. An illusionary green serpent appeared behind him. Simultaneously nine spirit rings came into existence beneath Dugu Bo.

The green serpent felt its majesty threatened by the golden dragon in front of him, and it hissed as if trying to proclaim its hegemony.

On the other side, Flender and Liu Erlong submerged in a golden light, still had their eyes closed as if nothing else mattered to them. It was clear that Yu Xiaogang was in full control of the spirit fusion ability.

" Jade Phosphor Serpent! " Grandmaster had studied many martial spirits, and Jade Phosphor Serpent was one of them. Apart from providing the spirit-master with the snake's physique, it was renowned for its poison.

If not for Jade Phosphor Serpent having a defect, the Dugu clan would have already replaced one of the current top three clans.

Although in the past, Xiaogang may not have a solution to Poison Douluo's problem, yet it did not mean he couldn't solve it now.

At present, for Xiaogang, it was as easy as lifting his hand. Still, he did not take the initiative to make a deal with Dugu Bo because of the latter's attitude he deserved a beating.

The golden light in Grandmaster's eyes flashed, and the golden dragon roared as if taunting the green serpent. Xiaogang reciprocated Dugu Bo's gesture back to him.

" True spirit avatar: Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor. " Jade-like green light emerged from Dugu Bo's body, and the first seven spirit rings beneath him lit up simultaneously.

The green light enveloped his body slowly; his thin body started to enlarge, and within a few moments, a large green serpent appeared in his place. Rhombic emerald scales covered its entire body; moreover, its body was larger compared to the dragon.

The golden dragon's action had completely angered the Poison Douluo into using his true spirit avatar right at the start of the battle.

A Titled Douluo's spirit avatar can not be measured on equal terms with the spirit avatar of spirit-saint.

Apart from the improvement provided by the first six spirit rings, a spirit-master's physique is enhanced by a grade as they absorb the ninth spirit ring.

Moreover, the quality of their spirit-power is not something a spirit-saint can match. Furthermore, the addition of a strong physique and high-quality spirit-power is not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2; instead, it increases the power of a Titled Douluo geometrically.

Although only half of the serpent's body stood upright; still, it was enough to match the size of the golden dragon, and it's pale yellow eyes full of arrogance glanced at it.

' Fourth spirit ability: Jade Phosphor Violet Poison, ' the serpent sprayed green colored poisonous mist at the golden dragon. Although it was only a probing attack, yet it was not something a normal spirit-master could defend.

There was a mocking expression on the golden dragon's face, although it is a spirit fusion ability between three people, yet Xiaogang was the one in control.

Not to be outdone, the golden dragon also sprayed a golden bolt of lightning from its mouth. Furthermore, the scales on its body started shining with a dark golden light.

The poisonous mist melted as soon as it neared the golden dragon, and its appearance returned to normal.

Although his probe attack failed, Dugu Bo remained calm and did not use any spirit ability to defend against the golden dragon's attack; instead, Poison Douluo used his physique to resist it.

" Boom! " an explosion occurred instantly after the golden lightning hit the serpent's body.

As the smoke cleared and the serpent's body became visible. From its stiff appearance and few burned scales, the outcome was clear. It was apparent that the golden dragon had an upper hand.

After the first clash, the previous arrogance had disappeared, and what replaced it was shock and disbelief.

Unlike his fiery temper, Dugu Bo did not attack; instead, the serpent's pale yellow eyes stared at the golden dragon in the sky.

Although both of them attacked casually; yet, Dugu Bo, a Titled Douluo, couldn't gain an upper hand.

Even though Dugu Bo knew it before that he might not be the golden dragon's opponent, he still wanted to give it a try.

How could Dugu Bo as a Titled Douluo not see the weakness of their spirit fusion ability? Although he could not fight the golden dragon head-on; yet, it did not mean he couldn't defeat the Golden Iron Triangle.

A cunning light flashed in his pale yellow eyes, and Dugu Bo's used his tail as a spring to launch his serpentine body in the air.

As an experienced fighter, his action was very fluent, and it seemed as if he was going to bite the golden dragon's abdomen with his fangs.

Even with its bulky body, the golden dragon was nimble; with a single flap of its wings, the dragon changed its position.

The positions reversed; the dragon became the predator, and Dugu Bo became its prey.

It was as if Dugu Bo had already expected this outcome. The color of the serpent's eyes changed from pale yellow to a deathly white, and a whitish mist-covered it's head.

' Spirit bone ability: Medusa's Lust, ' the serpent turned its head and looked at the golden dragon, and two deathly pale rays of light shot out from his eyes.

Although the golden dragon was stronger than Dugu Bo; still, after seeing the pale rays of light, Xiaogang's expression changed slightly.

Seeing that it was not possible to dodge, the golden dragon sprayed a golden mist from its mouth, which formed a sphere enclosing the dragon's body within it.

As soon as the light hit, the golden sphere turned into a stone, with the golden dragon enclosed within it.

Finally, Dugu Bo's expression eased after seeing his tactic succeeding. Due to the lack of wings, his body could not stay in the air for a long time, and it started descending.

The green serpent opened its mouth and aimed at the golden triangle enclosing Xiaogang, Flender, and Liu Erlong.

Dugu Bo's thinking was simple; after blocking the golden dragon, it aimed at the crux of the problem and wanted to solve everything in a single go.

Still, a bad feeling rose in his mind, and it grew stronger after seeing the Grandmaster's calm face.

Dugu Bo's method of dealing with the Golden Iron triangle was correct, but it was as if destiny was joking with him.

The golden triangle did not shatter as he expected, and it only shook a little before stabilizing again.

Not believing that the triangle made of golden energy was indestructible, he attacked again and again. Still, it did not change the outcome.

" Dugu Bo, unless you raise your strength to rank 95, you can not destroy it. " Xiaogang said with a smile on his face.

Although Dugu Bo felt a bit unbelievable, yey he couldn't refute Yu Xiaogang, as he had already tried many times.

Suddenly Dugu Bu smiled and said, " Although I can not destroy it, yet how long can you sustain it? " As a Titled Douluo, the last thing he lacked was spirit power.

Dugu Bo knew that such a strong spirit fusion ability would require a huge amount of spirit-power, and if he could not destroy it, Dugu Bo just had to wait until their spirit power exhausts.

Although his behavior was a bit shameless, yet who would care about such an insignificant thing in the battle?

Grandmaster smiled mysteriously and replied, " Why do I have to wait till my spirit-power exhausts? "

" Crack! Crack! " Suddenly, Dugu Bo felt as if he was calculated, and before he could reply, the huge stone sphere started cracking, and streaks of golden lightning appeared out of it. 

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