Hopeful Part 32

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"Hey best friend, why are you looking so sad?  I've never seen you like this before," Lyla said with a reassuring smile.

"I can't help it, I'm feeling a bit let down, I've worked so hard on my mom's website and it looked so good, but I couldn't launch it and on top of it I had a bad dream."

"What! and what did they say is the problem?"

"They couldn't tell but said they are working on it and would email me as soon as they solved it."

"Hey best friend, then there is still hope, don't look so dismayed, they will work it out, it's their job.  Guess what?  I met Oscar on Saturday, I went to the park with them, he is such a bouncing bundle of joy.  I love him already."

"Good for you!  Give him a hug for me when you see him again, will you?"

"I will, I will see him regularly for it sounds to me that we are moving to level three tomorrow, it makes me feel so much better.  My mom is planning a nice gathering as soon as we are allowed to be up to ten people at a gathering."

"I will love that!" I managed to smile at the thought of being able to see my best friend and of course her brother.

"Theo ask if you could send the emails?"  At that moment Theo came in view and made himself at home right next to Lyla.

"Yes, I did, as soon as I got your message,"  I said with a big smile, directed toward him.

He returned the smile and asked: "What on earth would I do without you?"  My whole body ached at that moment to be able to touch him.  Calm down Inola, he's not yours, I reprimanded myself.

"Next time we talk it might be face to face,"  Lyla said with an optimistic smile, and I said a little prayer that I might be able to discuss his new website with Theo.  If only the Hosting Company can get moms online.

"What was the dream about?"

"Something about a reward and I'm not dressed properly to receive it, it kind of sucks," I said a little bit distraught as the dream became clearer in my mind.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, best friend, things might work out better than you think,"  Lyla tried to comfort me.  It was the smile that Theo gave me that lifted my spirit as they said their goodbyes.

I opened my laptop to check my emails, but I couldn't get the dream out of my mind. I remember I needed a green top, a black skirt, and a pair of black shoes for the occasion.  I was barefoot and borrowed the jersey that Theo's Grandma knitted him when he was only sixteen. The whole place was strewn with broken bottles and it was a long way to my dorm.  I had to tiptoe through the broken glass to get to my wardrobe and I wasn't sure if I owned a black skirt or black shoes but I worked so hard for that reward.

What could that mean?

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