A Home Part 30

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"Hey Inola," Lyla said with a big smile.

"Hey best friend, you look happy," I said smiling at her on our zoom meeting.

"Always when I can talk to you, do you remember Oscar?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I remember Oscar, is he okay?"

"Yes, I think so, I'm sending you a picture.  Dave and his mom adopted him when the lockdown started.  They wanted to get all the animals out of the SPCA before lockdown."

I checked my phone and Oscar's big puppy eyes looked back at me: "That's him, I'm so glad, I always hoped that I can see him again.  How did you know it was him?"

"Dave told me he had to take extra care of him because he was still healing from a broken leg.  It was when he called him Oscar while we were on zoom that I realized that it might be your Oscar."

"I'm so glad for Oscar and for Dave, you will love him."

"He said he will bring him next week for me to meet him, he is getting stronger by the day."

"Did you see Dave during the lockdown?"

"Yes, he practices for the marathon and runs every day past my house, he always stops for a chat though we keep our distance."

"Cheaters!" I screamed and she laughed.

"How is Theo doing?"

"He is as busy as always, especially since he started delivering parcels for people that can't do their own shopping.  I never thought there are so many older people that live on their own."

"Awe, that is nice of him, will you ask him to let me know when I can send out the emails?"

"I will, how are you doing with your mom's website?"

"I still have to wrap a few things up, then I can publish it.  I'm so excited I can't wait.  Wait a minute, you didn't tell Theo about it, did you?"

"No, you asked me not to, so I kept my word."

"Good.  Thank you I first have to see if this one is going to work.  I'm so glad that Oscar found a good home, I'll have to let Patsy know, she was so worried about him."

"Me too, did you hear anything about the competition?"

"No, I suppose they are also in lockdown."

"Can we do our English Comprehension test together on Wednesday, I went through the questions but it seems tough."

"Sure we can, I'm not sure if I would be of much help, but we might figure it out together."

"Thanks, I need to leave now, then we see each other on Wednesday," Lyla said as she waved me goodbye.

I found my mom in the lounge with a gardening magazine in her hand.  I need her to go with me through her website before I can publish it.

"Mom, can I bother you for a few minutes, I want you to go through our website, I need your approval before I can launch it, can we do it now?"

She nodded her approval and I slide my laptop onto her lap.  I watched her as she went through the pages with a growing smile. She looked up and met my eyes with a smile in hers.  "I am very happy, thank you so much."

I pressed the launch button and logged out.  I typed the URL for the viewer's page but it shows me only an index page.  "Oh no, I can't understand what went wrong, I have been so positive that it will work," I cried.

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