My Dog Part 8

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"Sheila bring my shoes!" I called from my room.  A few seconds later the dog came running into my room with one of my shoes in her mouth.

"This is awesome, she is so clever, who taught her that?" Lyla asked surprised.

"James," I answered as Sheila dropped the shoe on my lap and turned around to fetch the other one.

"This is so cute." Lyla cooed as Sheila entered the room with the other shoe.

"Sheila bring me the telephone," I said, amused by Lyla's response.  "James trained her to bring me stuff that I might need in an emergency or to make things easier when I'm home alone."

Sheila entered the room and dropped the phone in my lap, then she dropped to the floor and lie down next to me waiting for my next command.  After a minute I gave the phone back to her and told her to go and put it back.  Lyla followed her in amazement, "she put it back into the stand where it belonged," she said.  "She is so clever."

"She is and it is of great help, especially if she can reach stuff that I dropped or can't reach."  I rubbed her fur and gave her a treat.  Boots tiptoed into the room with an accusing look on his face.  I rubbed his fur too.  "Were you a good boy Boots?"  I asked and he gave me an innocent look.  "Here you are,"  I said and gave him also a treat causing him to lie down next to Sheila.

"Awe that's so sweet,"  Lyla cooed.  "Is that your schoolwork?" She asked as she noticed the stack of books and notes on my desk.

"Yes that's it, it seems like a lot of work and when I complained, mom asked me "how do you eat an elephant?"

"I guess you'll have to work out a work schedule and you will be pretty busy."  Lyla smiled encouragingly.

"I suppose that you will have to do the same, are you looking forward to tomorrow?"

"In a way I do, I'm going to miss you though but I like to be busy and I enjoy my schoolwork and we are going to see each other on weekends.  You can even text me if you're feeling lonely, that will be nice," she said with a thoughtful smile.

"You better watch your phone girl, I'm afraid I'm going to make a nuisance of myself."

"You can never be a nuisance to me, even if you try," she laughed and hugged me.

"Girls it's suppertime," mom called from the door.  We went to the dining room where James and Beth were also waiting.

"James this is Lyla and this is my big brother James and my sister, Beth,"  I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Lyla," they both smiled at her then James asked her about her brother.

"My brother Theo is nineteen and studying engineering.  His great interest is to make wheelchairs and improvise on them."

"Oh, that's interesting, how will he do that?"  Beth asked.

"I'm not sure, you will have to ask him?"  Lyla answered.

"It seems as if we should invite the whole family for a barbeque, as your mom and my wife are talking of starting a landscaping business together, what is your dad's occupation?" Dad asked.

"He is in the IT business," she said with a tender smile.

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