Weekend Part 11

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"Hey," Lyla said as I opened the door.

"Hi, how are you?"  I smiled and wheeled out of the way to let her inside.

"I'm good and so glad that it's weekend, and you?"

"The same here and it's so nice to see you again.  It was a long and busy week.  Tell me about the school?"

"Well, you know me, I'm kind of all by myself most of the time.  English is okay but I find biology kind of difficult this year, the human body is not what I would suggest for both sexes to study together.  I feel a bit sensitive and overwhelmed about it."

"If you sit by yourself you don't need to worry about it, do you?"

"That's the point I'm not sitting by myself, there is a new boy in my class and he happens to find the best place for him to sit is next to me."

"Awe is he good looking and is he nice to you?"

"He is not bad, a little bit shy and he lost his left hand in an accident over the holidays.  You can see his frustration and agony and it reminds me of myself shortly after my accident."

"It sounds to me if he can use a friend."

"I was thinking the same but I thought you might not like it.  I don't want to jeopardize our special friendship."

"Lyla our friendship is unique and you can't ruin it by being kind to someone else, that is who you are and I don't want to change you.  You need a friend at school and he surely needs one too.  Maybe someday you can even introduce him to me."

She rushed toward me and gave me a big hug:  "Thank you, thank you!"  she cried and kissed me on my forehead.  Our friendship is so special to me, don't ever forget it."

Her words made me swallow hard on something in my throat, I can't afford to lose this special friend of mine but at the same time, she deserves to be happy.

"Thank you," I said and smiled at her.  "I think I have also a biology assignment to submit on Tuesday and to be honest I haven't look at it yet."

"Can we look at it now, I would like to see if our work looks the same."

"Of course we can," I said, opening my laptop and searching for the subject.

"Wow, it's the same stuff, but yours are so much better illustrated.  Can we do it together tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, I can see now what you mean", I said, looking at the anatomy of the human body in both sexes can be humiliating especially if it is a new boy sitting right next to you.

"If I can finish my assignment tomorrow then I won't need to open my book in class on Monday, that will help me out of my predicament.  Thank you for being a friend in need."

"The pleasure is mine, it will be much easier to do this assignment in your company than doing it on my own, I'll bring my laptop and notes tomorrow."

"Hey young ladies, it's suppertime,"  Mom called from the door and we looked at each other and laughed when I cried:  "And I'm starving."

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