Poor Puppy Part 43

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I opened my emails on Monday morning, my heart warmed when I read the note:  "Congratulations on another success story, the following amount is deposited in your bank account."

I'm officially a writer and receive revenue, it makes me feel so good.  My eye caught the next email: it was an order for a wheelchair tray and as I scrolled down, there were another twenty orders.  I can't suppress my excitement, I filed them on the spreadsheet for Theo, and then I forward them to him.  I wonder what his reaction is going to be.

A few seconds later he answered:  "Wow!  This is great, thank you so much Inola."

"That's what friends are about.  Let me know when you are ready to deliver, enjoy a great day," I tried to keep it short and sweet but my heart ached for so much more. 

My thoughts go to grandma, I wanted to hear the rest of her story, but she was adamant that I should go to bed and now I can't wait for this evening to hear the rest.

I zoom Lyla and was greeted by a big smile, "Hey, best friend, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, I'm just hunting for my next story, and you?" I smiled back at her.

"Guess you can stop hunting, Dave here has the perfect story about a puppy that was run over by a car."

"No!  Is he okay?"  I asked concerned.

"Yes, though he has a broken leg and it is still in plaster.  Apparently, two boys found him lying next to the road.  They brought him to the SPCA and our vet treated his broken leg."

"Oh, shame!  It's similar to Oscar's story."

"Yes, but this is a Labrador puppy and he is much bigger than Oscar."

"Poor thing, so he needs desperately someone to care for him."

"That's true, he is crying a lot, I think he was abandoned and is missing his mom very badly."

"Won't a hot water bottle help him to sleep easier or a heated bag of beans?"

"I think they are afraid he would chew it and it would leak or spill the beans," Dave laughed.

"Poor thing does it have a name?"

"Yes, they called him Baxter, I don't know why?"

"Well, at least I have a name to work on and thanks to you, a story to tell, thank you."

"The pleasure is mine, I hope that he will find a home soon, I'll send you a photo," Dave smiled and waved goodbye.

"Thank you, Lyla that's so kind of you and Dave, how did it go with your biology test?"

"Well it was better than the last one, seventy percent is not too bad, is it?"

"Well done, it's good."

"Say the girl that always scores in the eighties, how's your novel coming on?"

"Good, have I told you that I decided to include a chapter about Nanna in it?"

"No, but I guess she has a good story to tell."

"Actually she kind of left me last night on a cliffhanger and I'm looking forward to hearing the rest tonight."

"That sounds good, but I think I'll rather wait till you have the whole story, then you can share it with me."

"That makes sense, I will tell you the story when she is done, how is Percy doing?"

Lyla laughed, "He is growing more inquisitive by the day, he likes boxes and loves to roll up and fall asleep in a box."

"I'm looking forward to seeing him on Saturday. Bye Lyla." I said and waved back as she said bye.

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