Separated Part 25

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"So it's really going to happen."  Lyla cried.

"It happened in China and the virus is spreading like a wildfire to other countries.  I'm just glad my granny is with us and not alone in the home.  Here she is now, Granny, this is my best friend Lyla."

"O' dear, it is great to meet you, Inola can't stop talking about you.  I'm so glad she has somebody to share her teenage years, those are such special friendships."

"Thank you, our friendship means a lot to me, it is really special,"  Lyla smiled.

"Mom made us some apple and blackberry muffins, shall we have some tea?"

"That will be lovely Inola, so were you talking about the lockdown?  Are they deciding tonight whether we are going in lockdown?"

"I think they will inform us on Monday night, but it sounds as if it's going to be quickly and strict."

"Theo will not be very happy, I think he hoped he would be able to take the measurements of his next order before lockdown.  We won't be able to see each other and I won't see Dave,"  Lyla cried.

"That is bad, but maybe it won't be for long, we will have to wait and see.  We can still phone each other or talk on zoom," I tried to comfort her.

"The tea is very nice Inola, and I love your mom's apple and blackberry muffins.  All that we can do, is to keep to the rules, it is not only about ourselves but about everybody that comes in contact with us."

"You said Theo might not be able to take the measurements before lockdown, can't he take it on Monday after school?"

"I think he said he has a test to write, he is still a student you know."

"I guess I tend to forget, I don't need to think a lot about attending classes or tests because of the homeschooling."

"Lucky girl, I suppose the lockdown won't interfere with your schoolwork, I'm stressing about how mine is going to work.  Imagine you have classes on zoom, I hope they will allow us to ask questions."

"Maybe we can work something out that we can work together on the questions, like two zoom sessions a week and we can always do an emergency zoom."

"That sounds great, maybe Dave and I can do the same, it might work better than I thought, thanks for the suggestion, we'll have to make it work."

"Theo said something about four sizes of  wheelchair trays, didn't he?"

"Yes, he said the most popular one is the one he made for you and then there are two more that make out about ten percent of his order and one that is totally different from the others.   He took some photos of the wheelchairs to help him, shall I ask him to send them to you?"

"That will be kind of you, I think that might help him if he can't take the measurements before lockdown.  I can send the parents a form where they can choose the kind of wheelchair their kid uses."

"Wow!  Inola that will be of great help to him, he owes you big time.  You always come up with a solution, no matter what the challenge."

"Don't forget to take his envelope when you leave.  He might want to take a look at it tonight."

"I'm planning a little surprise for you for tomorrow, so don't be late.  We will be home alone, Theo will be doing his deliveries, and mom and dad will do their last round at Bunnings before lockdown."

"Enjoy your weekend Lyla, I hope we'll see you soon," Granny said as she waved Lyla goodbye.

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