Caring Part 29

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"Inola, why are you rubbing your feet against each other, are they cramping?"  Granny asked.

"I don't know, they are stiff and uncomfortable for the last few days," I answered a bit embarrassed that she noticed my discomfort.

"Come here, put your one foot on my lap, I have a special cream that I use on my stiff joints, maybe it helps when I rub it into your feet," she said, fumbling in her pocket for a small container with white cream.

I obeyed reluctantly, anything can be better than this gnawing discomfort and cramping.  She rubbed the cream into my one foot.  It has a distinct smell of herbs and has a cooling effect on my cramping muscles, it relieves the pain and relaxed the muscles.

"Thank you, Granny, that feels so much better," I smiled at her.

"Let me do the other one too," she said and I turned around to put my other foot on her lap.

"Only if I can do your feet too, tonight before you go to bed."

"That will be so kind of you, I'm too stiff to reach them properly, you're such a caring child."

"I've got a caring Granny who taught me well," I smiled as I noticed her eyes misting up, I squeezed her hand.  "Thank you it feels so much better."

"Mom can we look at your website tonight, I would like you to confirm that you are happy before we start with the online store, I'm so excited to start with it," I asked as Mom entered the room.

"I would like that, I can't wait to see it, we can do it after supper," she said with a smile and disappear into the kitchen. 

 The nice smell from the kitchen made me hungry, I wheeled myself to my room to freshen up for supper.  I put my laptop and notes on my desk, ready for my session with Mom.

"I'm pleasantly surprised Inola, this is looking so good, I like the contact page where they can email me.  The photos came out nice and the pages look beautiful."

"Thanks, Mom, shall we start with the shop?  I will need some personal details and stuff that only you can confirm."

"Let's get on with it," Mom said and I noticed the excitement in her tone.  We filled out the forms and get the confirmation emails, working side by side for the next two hours.

"I think we should finish it tomorrow morning, we are both tired and we don't want to make any mistakes," Mom said through a big yawn.

"I agree, we have accomplished so much, it won't take long tomorrow and I promised Grandma I will rub her feet tonight.  She rubbed mine this afternoon and it felt so nice.  I need to return the favor."

Mom smiled and gave me a hug:  "Good night, and I love you so much."

"I was afraid that you might be sleeping already," I said as I wheeled myself into my Granny's room.

"No, I want to finish this book and I have been waiting for you," she smiled.  She sat in a big comfortable armchair with her book and a small towel on her lap.  "Put this towel on your lap, here is the cream, then I'll put my foot on the towel."

I rubbed her foot and she looked at me with big eyes full of appreciation: "I never thought it could be so nice, thank you so much my darling."

I turned around and did the other foot.  She squeezed my arm and looked me in the eyes, "I'm so fortunate to have a grandchild that cares so much about me.  Thank you my darling Inola."

I smiled and hugged her. "Because I  love you," I said.

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