31) ...an imperfect imposter.

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Before I could question Bucky any further the hospital door opened abruptly. All of us, including my father, jumped at the loud 'WHUMP' created by the thick wood hitting wall. I didn't have to get a good look at the man standing there to know who he was.

"Help me." I whimpered, loud enough for Bucky and Jeremy to hear me but neither seemed to acknowledge my plea anyway.

"Eleanor." Randy boomed, the grin on his face obviously fake. "I've been looking all over for you."

"W-why?" I stammered, taking a few steps back. Much to my horror he bounded up to me and pulled something from his pocket.

"You left your phone at work, and I thought I should drop by to give it to you." He fake grinned, passing me my phone. On the screen a little sticky note was taped to the front with his handwriting.

Follow along and don't do anything stupid.

I swallowed and looked up at his grinning face. Behind the little mask of smiles I could tell he was threatening me to act in his little charade.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding on anything. I just thought this was important to you." He shrugged, shooting me a do-or-die look. I swallowed again and looked to my family who was watching in curiosity.

"Uh...no...I mean yes...uh no..." I squeaked, jumbling up my words in nervousness. Randy continued to smile expectantly but his eyes were telling me to 'get it right'.

"No, you're not intruding on anything. You're Mike I presume?" Father asked, cocking his head slightly in interest. The realization of my his question made my eyes widen.

No. No. No. Dad! Randy is no where close to being my boyfriend!

"Uh...yes. My name is Mike Schmidt. Why do you ask?" Randy said without missing a beat. I knew he knew what my dad was asking.

"You're not-" Bucky started to say but clamped his mouth shut when Randy looked at him. I was just glad I wasn't the only one knowing he was an imposter.

Bucky glanced up at me with eyes full of fear and confusion while Jeremy was just looking away. I wanted to say something but if I did...only God could guess where my body would be found. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Bucky tugged on Jeremy's sleeve and whispered something in his ear. Jeremy, however, pushed his little brother away and told him to 'beat it'.

"Hey, Jere. I'm gonna go get some candy from the vending machine. You want anything?" Bucky asked loudly, tugging more insistently on his brother's shirt. Jeremy pushed his brother away and grumbled out a low insult which made me wince.

"Hey, Eleanor? You wanna come with me?" he asked, walking between Randy and I. Terror gripped at my chest when I realized Bucky's could've been in danger. Randy was so unpredictable...what if he saw him as an easy target?

"Here kid. Why don't you go get yourself a soda while the adults talk." he smiled, pulling out a ten dollar bill from his pocket and placing it in Bucky's hand. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect next but I could tell I was screwed.

"Uhm...thanks Mr. Schmidt." he said awkwardly, stuffing the bill in his pocket. Before dashing off, Bucky looked back at me with alarm and I wished he was going to go tell the real Mike. But in hindsight, I should've known Randy would have a better plan that wouldn't be able to be picked apart by a teenager.

"What a cute kid. I remember when I was his age." Randy grinned again, no doubt referencing his time as a Freddy Fazbear security guard. I could taste bile rising in the back of my throat.

"Anyways, It's wonderful to meet you Mr. Schmidt. I'm feeling a bit tired so I'm going to be a tad blunt...what is your relationship with my daughter? Are you her co-worker...or what?" my father said crudely. On the inside I was praising my father for being protective. I should've known he'd get defensive after seeing many of Zamora's boyfriends. At one dinner, he threw a wine glass at a poor guy's head.

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