28) ...come...

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When we pulled up I was about to get out of the car but Mike grabbed my wrist. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it at the sight of his earnest expression. He shook his head and pulled something from his back pocket.

"We promised, remember?" he said, handing me my old walkie-talkie. I felt my cheeks burn slightly as I clipped it to my pants and gave a nod.

"We did, didn't we?" I chuckled, fumbling with the latch. A second later I got it and looked up to see a thinking Mike. His blue eyes weren't usually that dull but now they were almost gray. "Is everything, okay?"

"Wha-oh yeah!" he shrugged, attempting to open his car door. Before he could, however, I practically pounced on him like a tiger and held him tight. Obviously taken off guard, Mike tried to pry my hands away but then realized it was me. "Don't scare me like that."

"I scared you? I thought scaring thee Mike Schmidt was impossible!" I giggled, shooting him another smile. He relaxed a bit and gave my back an awkward rub. I bit back another giggle and wrapped my arms even tighter around him.

"You have no idea." he mumbled under his breath, no doubt trying his hardest for me not to hear him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking up into his blue eyes. He shrugged me off and opened the car door without answering my question.

"C'mon. We're almost late." he muttered, opening my side of the car. I felt a bit torn but it was okay.


* * * *

Mike was watching the doors intently, holding my hand as well. I wasn't sure if he was doing it to keep me next to him, or for security. Either way, I could have cared less.

"Here we go." he sighed, pulling me closer. I didn't blame him since Randy would probably try his best to separate us (if he wanted to).

"Yeah." I whimpered as we took a few steps towards the door. Mike was about to grab the handle but it slammed open with surprising force. Both of us jumped in alarm as a familiar figure emerged from the doorway.

"Uh-huh...yep...okay. Wait? No! There's no way we can do that! Well I don't....FUCK!" Randy growled into his phone, obviously distracted. He clicked a button on the dial-pad and gave a frustrated groan, before looking up.

He didn't give his usual creepy smile, but stared at us (mostly me). I felt Mike's arm wrap tightly around my waist as if to pull me closer. My cheeks reddened and I let my gaze travel to a 'very interesting' crack in the pavement.

Even though I couldn't see both of their faces I knew there was an intense glare-off going down. It wasn't until I felt Randy pass me by did I realize I was going to be okay. Mike sighed and released me from his iron grip.

"C'mon. We'd better get to the office quick. I think we're late." he sighed, opening the door for me. An icy feeling began to develop deep inside of my stomach (a feeling I would never forget).

"I really don't like this..." I whispered, tightening my grip on Mike's hand. It felt like we were in a haunted house but there was no escape, and we weren't guaranteed safety.

"Me too. But standing here isn't gonna make us feel any better." he muttered, looking around before freezing in place. "Let's go NOW!"

"Mi-" was all I could choke out before he practically dragged me down the hallway by my arm. Despite his scrawny physique I hadn't expected him to be so strong. I tried my hardest to ask him what was going on but he put his hand over my mouth.

"Mmm!" I protested, my voice muffled through Mike's palm. He shushed me and pulled me into the kitchen before slamming the door behind us. "Mike! The hell are you doing?"

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