23) ...is a problem.

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The sound of our footsteps echoed in the hall as we attempted to leave. Deep inside of me I was hoping that Randy wouldn't be there to see us off. If he was...Mike would flip. Speaking of Mike, he was mortally silent and had one hand possessively on my shoulder. I found it a bit odd but I could only imagine what it felt like to be in his shoes.

"Oh! Mike?" I asked, remembering the walkie-talkies clipped to my shorts. He bristled in alarm but stopped and turned to me with his curious blue eyes. I unclasped Jeremy's old walkie from my waist and handed it to him who examined it inquisitively.

"A walkie-talkie? Sounds pretty useful to be honest. I promise to wear it to work if you do the same." he grinned, slipping it in his back pocket.

"I promise." I giggled, leaning lightly against his shoulder. Mike chuckled and leaned back against me, but shied away when I winced at the pressure on my injured arm.

"Sorry." he mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. I chuckled and gave him a light punch as we emerged from the dark hall.

"No prob. I know people who would do the same, but then they wouldn't apologize after." I smirked, giving him a small little shrug. I found his odd behavior very peculiar. Usually he didn't seem so detached and well...shy.

"You okay Mike? You're acting differently." I asked, putting my hair up in a ponytail. Mike became rigid for one quick second but relaxed the next.

"Yeah. I'm fine!" he responded quickly, his voice carrying a tad of regret. I watched as he slumped over a bit, obviously not 'fine'.

"Are you still upset about what happened back there in the office?" I asked again, this time a bit more insistent. Mike sighed and shook his head but still seemed troubled.

"No. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you but that's not what I'm worried about." he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. I raised an eyebrow in a what-is-it-then look.

"Uh..." he trailed off, stopping dead in his tracks. I glanced at Mike's puzzled face before the location of his gaze.

"Well. You two are twenty minutes late to leave. What were you two doing back there?" Randy sneered, showing off his oddly sharp teeth. He was leaning up against the doorway (effectively blocking our path), and glancing at his watch. Mike glowered and wrapped his fingers around my wrist, obviously trying his hardest not to snap at him.

"Even if we were doing something, it's none of your business." he spat, standing up straighter. I could feel my cheeks burn at the meaning of Randy's assumption and averted my gaze to the side.

"Is it now? If two of my employees are spending their time fraternizing I might have to switch their schedules. Especially if they're not doing their jobs." He chuckled to himself, crossing his arms with a smug little grin.

"C'mon Eleanor." Mike snorted in annoyance, leading me past Randy. I didn't want to look back, but I did, and was mortified at what I saw.

Randy still had that creepy smug grin on his lips but I could make out the small red bow tie clipped to his shirt. I watched in absolue horror as he stood up straight, puckered his lips in an air kiss, and gave a me lewd wink. Shivers of fear ran through my spine as I patted my empty pocket.

No. No. No. This can't be happening.

He remembered me.

* * * *

"M-M-Mike?!" I squeaked, my fingernails digging into his hand. My stomach flipped multiple times as nausea began nipping at my throat.

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