39) Try.

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"Hey." I giggled, walking through the front door. The sound of the TV and simulated gunshots echoed through the hall.

"Oh c'mon, Jeremy! You're cheating!" Bucky's voice rang in moral unjust.

"No I'm not! You just suck at Call of Duty. How can you let the zombies get you if you're running? You're just a bad shot." Jeremy bragged loudly. He was no doubt trying to get my attention.

"Are you guys really fighting over that again? I could cream you both if I wanted to." I snickered, plopping down on the couch with them. I was tired and wanted some rest but...I could hang out with them a little longer.

* * * *

"Where are you taking me?" I slurred drowsily. My eyes were heavy and it was hard to think straight without my thoughts getting weighed down.

"To bed. I gotta get to work soon anyway." Jeremy muttered, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up bridal-style. "You've gotten heavier."

"Mmmm..." I cooed, pressing my face into his neck. He smelt like fabric softener and Jeremy.

He gently placed me on the bed, careful not to jostle me too much. My eyes were weighted and could only be cracked open but a centimeter or two. The covers were tucked in around me, the feel of his hands softly caressing my bruises.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I managed to whisper. My body couldn't move from the relaxed state it was in so all I could do was breathe.

"Nothing important to you. Get some rest, Sweetheart." he chuckled, planting a kiss on my cheek. If I wasn't so tired I might have felt embarrassed.

"Only Randy calls me 'Sweetheart'."

"Is that so?" Jeremy chuckled, his green eyes flashing blue. "I never noticed."

I sat up despite the perturbed look on Jere's face. I wanted to believe that person in front of me was family...but it wasn't.

"The jig is up Randy. I know it's you." I hissed, scooting back against the headboard.

Sadly, the room had materialized into a black abyss.

I fell into it and onto a concrete sidewalk.

"What the fuck?" I whimpered, standing up to examine my surroundings.

It was a busy intersection, complete with speeding cars and stop lights. One step in front of me would have been certain doom by the grill of a car. By the looks of it I was waiting at a crosswalk...maybe for the lights to tell me to cross.

"I'm sorry Miss." a man interrupted my thoughts. I turned to my left to see a familiar face in a dashing suit and tie.

"Mike?" I asked, remembering his blue eyes. The man frowned, glaring at me with an aloof disposition.

"I'm sorry. You must be mistaken Miss." he sighed, looking down at his Rolex wristwatch. This was certainly not Mike. This was someone who meant all business.

"Ronan. You can stop your charade now. I know it's you."

"Very well then." he smirked, snapping his fingers. A second later he was wearing something that resembled Mike's security uniform. "You really are an intuitive one aren't you."

"I guess. But why do you always look like Mike?" I frowned, coming to the realization he had to be doing this on purpose.

"Intuitive and observant." he scoffed forlornly. "All your questions will be answered in time. Just not right now."

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