5) ...has it's morals.

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A childlike scream filled my ears as I sprinted down the dim hall. My sneakers slipped against the tile as I turned into the office. Before I could shuffle out of the way, Mike barrelled into the office at full speed, causing me to trip over a chair.

The wind was momentarily knocked out of me as I landed on my side and injured hand. I groaned and leaned up against the metal doorway for support as I tried to stand up. A loud 'thunk' could be heard as Mike closed the metal door on the right side of the office.

I groaned again and put more of my weight into my supporting hand. I wasn't looking where I had put it and accidently pushed down the 'Light' button of the left door. With a huff I looked up, freezing at what I saw.

Bonnie stood in the doorway, hunched over to prevent his ears from hitting the ceiling. His dark purple eyes were mere inches away from mine, and he smelt like blood. Eerily enough, his face was blank...like he'd just heard a lame joke.

"M-Mike..." I whispered feebly, unwilling to take my eyes off of the homicidal machine in front of me. Bonnie didn't move, but neither did I.

"Elea-" Mike started from behind me before his voice cut out. I knew I had to close the door but I was afraid he would lunge at me from the movement

"Close the door." Mike stated slowly. I swallowed and slowly pushed my hand upwards until I felt the edges of the button against my fingers, all while never taking my eyes off of Bonnie. I blinked and froze again at what I saw.

I wasn't sure how, but he was even closer than before. His eyes were now a demonic black with white pinpricks in the middle. Instead of a blank expression, he was smiling...with a black substance oozing from his teeth. My jaw dropped, and I could hear a rustling from behind me.

I felt pressure against the back of my hand and screamed as Bonnie lunged for my face with an open mouth. Before the door closed I could see a second set of teeth lodged deep inside the back of his mouth.

Another scream left my throat as I jumped backwards, and into Mike. The sudden movement caused me to slip and fall onto the floor, where I hit my injured hand into the leg of the desk with a metallic sounding 'ping'. All traces of fear were automatically dismissed at I writhed in even more pain.

"Hey. You okay?" Mike asked, pulling me up from the floor. He took one look at my hand and grimaced in response. "I guess not."

"You just noticed?" I growled, pulling my hand away from him. I didn't want him to look at it, much less touch it.

"This place might be going broke but they still have a first aid kit under the desk." He said plaintively, glancing at my hand again. "I can fix you up...if you'd like"

As much as I wanted to say no I know that it was in my best interest to yes. Trust me. I loathed the idea of letting him anywhere near my hand but I very well couldn't do the bandaging myself.



Wow. Bonnie is coming for that booty, huh? Kinda like how he does that on the first night. Don't worry...I've got a personal hell planned for Ellie. I hope I don't drug my character too. I always seem to do that. Comment and vote for more!


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