10) Work is...

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I slipped on some headphones before jogging away. It was the heat of the day and Cicadas were buzzing their droning melodies. A good piece of me wanted to go home and pass out from emotional exhaustion but I couldn't let myself do that.

I forgot all thoughts as I jogged my daily route and drowned out all noises with Fall Out Boy. Patrick Stump's deep voice seemed to be mocking me after a minute of listening. I peeled of the headphones which were sticky with sweat before plopping down onto the warm concrete.

A good part of me wanted to cry but I just sat there, heaving in mental distress. It was as if I could sense something was wrong...as if I knew something was going to happen. Like a sense of déjà vu that I couldn't get rid of.

I hopped back to my feet, switched my play-list to Paramore, and jogged off with a deep, foreboding weight in my chest. Somehow I knew this had nothing to do with me but with someone I cared about.

* * * *

Thankfully, when I got back to the apartment, nobody was there. I was alone with my thoughts. Remembering my soiled jacket and hat laying on the floor in my bedroom I decided to do some laundry.

After loading the washing machine I also decided to do some research about Freddy Fazbear's Pizza...and Mike (if time allowed). I flipped open Zamora's laptop to have a picture of Mike and Rachel in my face.

"God. I hate Facebook." I muttered bitterly, clicking out of the page. I sighed and opened up Google where I searched up the restaurant. I nearly spit out some water I was drinking at the sight of how many articles there were.

Five missing children. All presumed dead.
Mascot killer caught!
Loved pizzeria said to close by year's end.
Do you want to graduate college? Click here!

Those were just a few of the articles I saw. All of them were pretty self-explanatory. I swallowed hard and flipped the laptop closed before the washing machine chimed.

* * * *

"SHIT!" I cried, studying the clock closely. It was about eleven-thirty and I needed to get to work. I slipped on an old pair of shorts and an old white muscle shirt plus some tennis shoes. I yanked on my new uniform jacket and pulled down my 'Security' hat across my brow.

I snatched up my keys, headphones, and phone from the counter before heading out the door. As much as I didn't want to admit it...I was ready for a hellish nightmare.

* * * *

"Well, you're here early." Randy smirked as I entered the building. I allowed myself a small chuckle before nodding in agreement. "I-I thought I was late."

"Well, you're not. In fact, you're twenty minutes early." he chuckled, obviously at the look of embarrassment on my cheeks. "Well, that's alright."

"Say. You wanna help me round up the kids that're still here?" he asked. "They don't ever want to leave."

"Th-there are still little kids in here?!" I asked, my voice going shrill in fear. Don't they know the animatronics move around at night?

"Yeah." Randy said with a slight shrug. "We need to get them out of here."

I nodded.

* * * *

"I'm sorry little girl but you can't be up there." I stated firmly, walking onto the stage area. I eyed Bonnie who seemed to be watching me. 

"Aw c'mon!" the little girl protested as I grabbed her hand. " I wanna talk ta Bunnybon!"

With obvious annoyance I looked down at the pouty little girl with big brown eyes and light colored hair. She was wearing a purple shirt, some knee-length jean shorts, black Converse shoes, and had a light purple bow in her hair. She reminded me of someone I couldn't place.

Glancing at my watch I sighed before giving her a small nod. It was about 11:45 and Randy had corralled most of the kids in the main hall where their parents were sorting them out. This little girl was a straggler and I had to come get her.

I glared at Bonnie, ready to push the little girl out of the way at the first sign of trouble. "Miss Seckitty?! Miss Seckitty!?" the little girl called. I walked over to her, careful to keep my distance from Bonnie.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked, kneeling down to the girl's level. She seemed more distraught than when I had first arrived. She began to cry and I looked at her in bewilderment.

"Mommy says that Bunnybon, Ducky, and Feddy aren't real! Is that true Miss Seckitty?" she sobbed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands. I sighed and tried to comfort her but she demanded an answer I wasn't sure how to give.

"Look sweetie..." I trailed off, glancing up at Bonnie, Freddy, and Chica. All of them were watching me and I knew it. I gave a sincere smile and looked into her big brown eyes. "They've always been real. You just have to believe they are and it'll be true."

"Do you believe they're real?" she asked, seeming to calm down a little. I glanced back up at the animatronics before my eyes found Bonnie's. His stare was cold and indifferent, but it didn't scare me like I thought it would.

"Of course I do." I stated firmly, as I stood up. "In fact...Bunnybon here used to be my favorite."

"Really?" she asked with a small gasp. I nodded and crossed my arms before staring Bonnie in the face. "Yeah. Whose your favorite, kiddo?"

"Bunnybon, cuz he's purple! And purple's my favorite color." she giggled, running over to Bonnie and tugging on his pant leg.

"Really?" I asked, only to get a nod from the little girl. "You don't like Chica the chicken? Or Freddy Fazbear?"

"No. I like Bunnybon cuz he's special." she stated firmly, her opinion unchanging. I nodded and smiled. 

"Let's get you home kid."


Hey guys. Two chappies in one day huh? Yeah...it's the weekend and I'm procrastinating from doing my multimedia homework. I wanted to add a cute little scene with a little girl and Ellie to emphasize how much Ellie's changed since she was little. Instead of selfishly crushing the little girl's beliefs she decided to encourage her to keep believing. Yah... the animatronics are possessed and stuff but she could have told her. Sorry for this message in parenting, I promise the next chapter will be more exciting! Comment and vote for more!


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