50) I know...

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My eyes opened as if a spell had just been lifted off of my body. The pain returned in excruciating measures...so much so, that I began to cry. Mike, sadly, didn't notice I was still alive. Neither did Randy, who was on the floor with a bloody nose.

"You're an idiot, Randy." Mike snickered bitterly. "You act like you know everything, but you forgot the most important rule when taking someone hostage."

"I didn't forget anything! You're just taunting me." Randy hissed, scrambling to his feet.

I couldn't move my head, so I was getting an odd yet angled view of the skirmish. It was kind of like a camera that had been tossed haphazardly on the floor. Even still, I could see Mike reaching for the walkie-talkie still clipped to his waist.


"You always check them for weapons." Mike tensed up, running his thumb over the weathered, old plastic. His eyes hardened with rage as he snapped his gaze up to Randy.

"She gave this to me...and now I'm gonna kick your ass with it." Mike snickered, tossing it up slightly as if getting a feel for the weight. Randy rolled his eyes and glared daggers at Mike.

Mike practically tackled Randy, both men fighting to be on top. The struggling continued until the first blow occurred.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to see what Mike was doing...even though I knew what he was doing. I was scared. Scared of Randy, scared of the animatronics, scared of death, and scared of...Mike.

It didn't take Mike long to subdue Randy, even in his weakened state. The rage and the emotions he had shoved inside of him were making themselves known through each painful blow. I thought Randy would fight until the bitter end...but after a few hits he let Mike continue to hurt him.

"YOU HURT HER! YOU HURT ME! YOU HURT THEM! YOU'RE A FUCKING COWARD!" Mike screamed, bringing down the weapon again and again with every word. Blood started to coat the black plastic and Mike's fingers while he continued to bash Randy's face over and over.

"Mike!" I cried out, begging him to the stop the merciless beating he was giving Randy. My voice was small and hollow like a dead tree. It sounded unlike me in every way.

Mike dropped the walkie-talkie and dashed to my side despite his wounded leg. He held me tight despite the blood smeared on almost every surface of my body. I should've felt embarrassed...but all I could do was lay limp in his arms.

"I thought you were...he told me...just fuck it." Mike grinned, holding me tight. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Mmhhmm." I cooed, enjoying the extra body heat. "I'm cold."

"You've lost a lot of blood...and other stuff...maybe we should get you to a hospital." Mike added, half-picking me up and half-dragging me. I was surprised that even in his state he was able to support most of my dead weight.

Maybe it was just the adrenaline? Perhaps not. Something was different about him, but I couldn't tell what.

"Mike, are you okay?" I whimpered, collapsing to the floor. He gasped and wrapped his arms around me again, still trying to drag me. "Mike. Stop."

"Huh?" He asked, looking down at me. I finally realized what was wrong. "Eleanor, it's me. Are you okay? Maybe you're just too dizzy from the blood loss."

"You aren't Mike." I frowned, looking up at him. "You're Ronan."

"Eleanor! It's me. Can't you tell?" He pleaded, looking me over with even more concern.

"No!" I cried, pushing away his hands. "What did you do with Mike? Where is he?!"

Ronan sighed, wiping his bloody, yet shimmering, blonde bangs out of his face. I got one good look at his luminescent blue eyes and I knew my assumption was correct.

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