20) Try not...

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"C-come in." I stammered, pushing down my shirt that had ridden up to my chest. I gave a small sigh and relaxed in relief at the sight of my abdomen not ripped to shreds, but something was off.

The door creaked open slightly, leaving only enough room for a head to poke through. I watched as thick brown hair and light blue eyes peeked into the doorway.

"Bucky?" I asked. The door opened to reveal a young teenage boy who was almost a spitting image of his older brother Jake.

"Bucky!" I giggled, swinging my legs over the bed and spreading my arms for an embrace. Despite the fact he was at the age of resisting authority I was still able to pull him into a well wanted hug.

"I've missed you so much." Bucky whimpered, his voice catching in emotion. I knew how he felt, the familiar feelings were bubbling up inside me as well.

"Me too Buck. I'm never gonna leaving you again." I whispered, holding him tight. Soon he was crying and clutching me like I had held my pillow a few minutes earlier.

A weight of responsibility fell in my chest at the remembrance of a long ago conversation with Jeremy. At the time I didn't really believe him but now I knew it was true.

* * * *

"You don't have to leave us El! Just because your dad says you have to doesn't mean you do."

"You know I don't have a say in this Jere! My dad calls the shots in my life."

"What about Bucky? You remember what happened to our real Mom right?"

"Yeah. She...died during childbirth. Then Mrs. K. adopted Jake, you, and Bucky."

"Do you know what that did to Bucky? He feels it's his fault for everything. I don't blame him, but when you're with him...it's different."

"What are you talking about?"

"He looks up to you Eleanor! He sees you as a mother, despite the fact you're only a few years older than him! If you leave...you're gonna lose him."

* * * *

"You didn't lose me. I knew you would come back!" He cried, holding me tight. Despite his age and height he still had substantial strength. I comforted him like a mother would her child.

"I knew you were strong. I never doubted you for a second." I murmured, ruffling his hair in affection. Bucky just sniffled against my neck in an attempt to calm himself.

"There were many times when Jeremy and Jake told me you were never coming home but I knew you would. I couldn't believe they'd say something like that but...they did. Now that you're here, we can finally be a family again." He faltered, pressing his face into the crook of my neck. I rubbed and patted his back as I slowly rocked us back and forth.

"We've always been a family, and no matter what anyone says...you're my Bucky." I giggled, cradling the teenager. Despite the fact most boys his age would have been repelled at any type of affection, Bucky seemed to wallow in it.

"Here." He said, wiping his eyes and pulling out a paper from his pocket. "Jeremy told me to give it to you when you woke up."

"What time is it?" I yawned, looking at the drapes which didn't show light to begin with.

"It's...ten, if I remember correctly." He said with a shrug, letting me open the crumpled note.

* * * *


I saw how troubled you were when I left, and I know you're going to go back despite the danger. You've always been that way and I can see that part of you didn't die. As much as I hate to say it...I'm glad it hasn't.

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