30) Led away by...

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"Was that really necessary?" Mike asked, holding his cheek as we entered the hospital. I smirkedand gave him a nod.

"Of course. You deserved it." I yawned, leaning against his shoulder for support. As much as I didn't want to rely on him, I didn't have much of a choice. Without Mike I probably would have been dead.

"Fair enough." he chuckled. "But I'm never washing this cheek again."

I slapped him again...playfully this time.

* * * *

"Can I help you?" a nurse at the nurse's station asked. She was wearing light blue hospital scrubs that actually looked nice, paired with her bleach blonde hair. She was wearing hipster, black-rimmed glasses with her golden locks were tied up in a ponytail.

"Uh, yes." Mike said, patting his pocket. He gulped and gave me an awkward smile.

"I wrote down the room number but I must've forgot it at the pizzeria." he flushed, biting his lip in shame.

"Mike..." I frowned, but then I got an idea. "Oh! Zamora probably texted me the address anyway, so let me...oh."

"What's wrong?" Mike asked, bristling in alarm. I hung my head and frowned at the realization of my own stupidity.

"My phone's gone. I must've left it at the pizzeria too." I sighed, realizing how stupid I had to have looked at that moment.

"Ellie!" a voice knocked me from my slum. Me, Mike, and the blonde nurse looked to our right and down the tile lined hall. There, standing in the middle, was Bucky wearing a toothy grin.

"Buck!" I giggled, spreading my arms for him. He ran at full speed and almost knocked me over when he hugged me back. "Bucky."

"I know you were only gone for a day but I still missed you." he hummed, hugging me tighter. I giggled and kissed him on the forehead in a show of affection.

"What're you doing here? It's super early." I said, momentarily forgetting about Mike and worrying about my family. He yawned and nodded but didn't let go of me.

"Zamora called everyone last night and told us where uncle Jameis was staying. Jeremy didn't want to take me, but when I told him you would probably be there...he gave in." Bucky snickered, pulling away from the hug. He looked at me with a smile before noticing Mike and frowning.

"Who's he?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. I felt my cheeks redden but then looked to Mike who was awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. It didn't take a genius to figure out how the whole situation looked.

"This is a friend of mine. His name's Mike." I said sheepishly. Bucky shot him a confused glance but then turned around.

"Jere! Ellie's here!" he called. There was no doubt he was alerting Jeremy to the fact I had brought over a guyfriend. Knowing him...he'd probably try to interrogate Mike.

"You should probably go sit in the waiting room now." I suggested quickly.

"On it." he replied amply, disappearing around a corner. With a sigh of relief I walked down the hall to where Bucky...and now Jeremy stood.

"El." he smiled, pulling me into a hug. I sighed and relaxed into his hold while he rubbed my back lovingly. "He'll be okay...but he's a bit cranky."

"That's my dad for you." I giggled, pressing my face into his shoulder. All I wanted at that moment was to hug Jeremy until I fell asleep but there were more important matters at hand. "I don't know why I'm saying this right now but...I love you Jere."

"I love you too El. Remember to stay safe." he murmured, kissing my forehead like I had done to Bucky not even a few minutes ago. I pulled away from the hug, gave him a sidelong glance, and entered the room.

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