6) Small talk...

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"...and were done." Mike sighed, wrapping the last layer of bandages around my fingers. It hurt like hell, but it would do until 6. When I looked at the clock it read 5:00 and I was already exhausted.

"You should probably get that checked out in the morning." He said, stating the obvious. Thankful for the advice I managed a nod before wincing in pain. Although, I found it kind of odd why he didn't ask me about how the injury had occurred.

"You'd better spill." I spat dryly. Mike ignored me and continued to put away the medical supplies. I narrowed my eyes at him and sighed.

"I know you heard me," I grumbled, sitting back in my chair. "Why was Bonnie standing outside of the door like that?"

Mike sighed and slid the plastic white kit back underneath the desk before standing up. He turned around and leaned up against the desk, staring me down. Anguish, fear, and mortification were just a few of the emotions conveyed on his face.

"You really want to know?" He faltered as I nodded and sat expectantly. His fingers were drumming against the desk in a nervous rut. I figured his whole explanation would be mind boggling but I didn't know it would make him so apprehensive.

"Alright," he mumbled, gripping the desk instead of drumming his fingers on top of it. "I've been getting some 'calls' from one of the old nightguards who worked here before me."

"What kind of 'calls'?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him again. He sighed before beginning again. "Would you let me finish?"

"Fine," I muttered, slumping back in my chair. "but you'd better elaborate."

"Okay," he sighed, putting his hands up in a mock defeat. "Well...this guy was giving me tips and stuff to stay alive." I nodded, although I didn't really understand what he was getting at.

"I also did some reasearch about this place. From what I understand this place is...haunted." Mike stated, his face growing even paler in response.

"Haunted? How is that even possible!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in disbelief. To be honest I found that to be enragingly stupid but I wasn't about to insult Mike over it.

"That's just it." he murmured. "From what I understand these animatronics hold the souls of murdered children. At least...that's what I understand."

I nodded at began to nibble at my thumbnail (a nervous habit), trying to make sense of the new information. "Why didn't Bonnie just kill me when he had the chance then?"

"I don't know..." Mike trailed off, he too deep in thought. "They all seem to do that though."

"Wait...so they don't automatically kill you when they see you?" I mused, leaning forward in interest. He nodded and sighed, biting his own thumbnail in response.

"They don't kill you automatically, but when the power goes out I presume they'll try to...forcefully shove you in a suit." Mike stated, looking over at the phone sitting on the desk. "At least...that's what 'Phone Guy' explained."

"Who's this 'phone guy'?" I asked curiously, looking into Mike's thoughtful eyes. I found it kind of odd I didn't grow shy and turn away like I usually did, but at the time I wasn't very concerned. After all...I'd had just stared down a blood thirsty metal machine.

"He's the one that explained vague information about the animatronics. He also told me about this incident with that fox animatronic in '87. I'm not sure why it sounds familiar though." Mike muttered. The last sentence was whispered, as if he didn't want me to hear.

"What happened?" I murmured, now thoroughly concerned about my safety. "I...don't know." Mike shrugged, relaxing slightly as though a weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

I nodded absentmindedly but my mind was racing as puzzle pieces clicked together in my head. I now understood why the animatronics were hostile towards us but that didn't help the nagging thoughts in my head.

"How many calls have you gotten from that 'phone guy'?" I asked, my eyes suddenly finding his tablet on the table. There was something important about it...but I wasn't sure what.

"I don't remember but I think it was four." He mumbled, deep in thought. "Also...I think he's dead."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. "How long did he work here?"

"Your guess is just as good as mine." he shrugged. "But I'd say...about a week."

"H-how long have you worked here?" I stuttered, unable to look him in the eyes. Just the thought of how many nights he'd survived made me squirm. How could he keep doing this?

"This is my third week here." He stated dryly, as if it were no big deal. I swallowed hard and looked at my shoes before giving another detached nod.

"How do you do this? Why do you do this? Don't you know the risks?! What's wrong with you!" I shouted, tugging on my bangs in agitation. I wasn't exactly sure why I felt that way but I did and wasn't afraid to show it.

"For one...I don't like being yelled at. And two, I do this because I have to." He said matter-of-factly, leaning up against the desk.

"You'd better spill."


Sorry for the recap of information of FNAF but Ellie has no idea what's going on. There's also more info planned for the next chappie that I'm sure you don't want to miss. Also...I'm sorry if the chappies are short but I have school you know. Comment and vote for more!


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