47) ...are like knives...

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Brown eyes, pinpricks from fear, pinned against blood thirsty maroon ones.

All I could do was quiver, choke on my own throat, and get ready for the blow to end my life. I couldn't fight, I couldn't run, and I couldn't breathe.

All I could do was stare into those eyes. Those depressive, brave...yet loving eyes. I could trust those eyes to get the job done quick instead of slow and agonizing. I could see why he was the most dependable of his other friends.

"Do it." I hiccuped. My knees finally gave out and I slumped to the floor with my head lulling to the side. The shiny metal in his hand blinded me...yet comforted me. One swing and it would all be over. Finally over.


A soft silence ensued for what seemed like forever.



He stabbed me twice.

Once in the shoulder and once in the leg.

I didn't scream or cry. I just let him do it. The pain was excruciating but it was a refreshing feeling. It was nice to know I was still human and I wasn't going to die without feelings. He lifted his blade to inflict more damage and let it come down once more.

But he stopped mid-swing.

He would've stabbed me straight through the heart but...he hesitated.

This wavering moment caused his dagger to put a deep gash all the way from my neck to my lower belly. It ripped through my shirt and turned it into a shredded mess. I groaned and attempted to cover myself with the remains of my tattered clothing.

Red hot blood soaked my jeans, shirt and chest. It stuck to my fingers and smelt like Death. I wanted to make a sound, or do something to let him know I wasn't dead yet, but I knew he already figured that out. He wasn't going to kill me.

Darkness started to form hazy edges in my vision...blacking out. Everything grew blurry and smeared into one long line of grey, red, and purple. Feeling seemed to escape me, as well as all common sense.

* * * *

I registered hard tile beneath my aching shoulder. It was cold, which contrasted with the hot blood pooled around me.

It took a second to realize I wasn't on a floor, but leaning up against a wall. Voices and filmy images began to become clear again.

"Good work, Bonnie. She's not dead yet but she will be soon." Randy laughed in awe. "You did such an amazing job, I think I might give you back your voice after this is all over."

"Uhnnn." I cried, tucking my knees to my chest so that I wouldn't expose myself to him if I hadn't already. I felt disgusting, beaten, and dirty. Not even a hundred showers could have wiped away the grimy and filthy things I had seen and done.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Mike screamed, his voice already raw. The power and the malice behind his words was frightening.

He would kill Randy.

I was sure of it.

"Please...don't..." I wheezed. The coppery taste of blood and bile mixed with my own spit caused me to wretch on the floor next to me. I wiped my mouth as clean as I could before casting a shaky glance up at them all.

They just stood there...watching as I went through the most painful torture someone could go through. All three of them...

"Don't what?" Randy asked, furrowing his brow in slight irritation. "If you're gonna beg for your lif--"

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